An Outing That Ended In A Purchase [EN-ES]

in Cyclinglast year

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Today was a day not to leave the house, but I had to make a delivery and well, I finished eating and I decided to check how were the tires of the bike to go out to ride. With the new pedals it really feels weird, as they feel thinner, of course, the plastics I had before, were a little bigger, and the time I spent using only the tube ... now it is very different and feels good.



I didn't plan to spend money, I was only supposed to close the sale and go back to the house, well... I had been wanting to buy new rims for a while, because the one on the back of my bike is repaired and it's not completely centered. So I went to several places and in one of them they gave me a good price 25 $ (USD), for a pair of 24 aluminum rims, adding to that the double thread for the disc mills, in another place it was 35 $ (USD), so I took advantage of it.

While I was paying I was thinking "how am I going to carry that on the bike", since for most of the objects I carry, I can put them in the backpack. I had to drive with one hand, which was not such a bad experience, the only bad thing was that it was a bit difficult to react quickly. Just because of that a motorcycle hit me very lightly, nothing that I could not control without falling (I'm more than sure that it was the fault of the motorcycle, because he saw me and then looked away).



After that, everything went super well, except that the chain came off when I fell into a hole (it wasn't even a big hole), so I had to fill my hands with grease and continue. The ride was a lot of fun, although the sun was pretty strong and I think I burned my neck. The good thing is that I was well hydrated and before leaving the tent I asked to refill my water bottle.



Step by step, the bike is going to take a life, the old rims were not going to be useful for the new acquisitions, so the expense was necessary. Now I need a new rear sprocket (because it has a lot of movement) and that's not good, I even think it could damage the chain or even get damaged on the road and leave me with my feet (which I don't want). Maybe by next month I will have the bike at 100 and as an extra, I will paint it, I will show you the whole process.

PD: I bought the aluminum discs, to see if little by little I can reduce the weight of the bike, although I don't think it will make much difference.


A Big Hug In The Distance.


.: E S P A Ñ O L .::. E S P A Ñ O L :.



Hoy era un día para no salir de casa, pero salió hacer una entrega y bueno, terminé de comer y me dispuse a revisar que tal estaban las llantas de la bicicleta para salir a rodar. Con los nuevos pedales realmente se siente raro, ya que se sienten más finos, claro, los plásticos que tenía antes, eran un poco más grandes, y el tiempo que dure usando solo el tubo pues... ahora es muy diferente y se siente bien.


No pensaba gastar dinero, se suponía que solo iba a concretar la venta y de regreso a la casa, pues... tenía rato queriendo comprar nuevos rines, porque el de atrás de mi bicicleta es reparado y no está del todo centrado. Entonces pase por varias y en una me dieron un buen precio 25 $ (USD), por el par de rines 24 de aluminio, a eso anexando el doble rosca para los fresnos de disco, en otro lugar estaba en 35 $ (USD), así que aproveche.

Mientras pagaba pensaba "¿cómo me voy a llevar eso en la bicicleta?", ya que para la mayoría de objetos que transporto, los puedo meter en la mochila. Toco manejar con una mano, cosa que no fue tan mala experiencia, lo único malo que para reaccionar rápido, si se me dificultaba un poco. Justo por eso una motocicleta me choco muy leve, nada que no pudiera controlar sin caerme (estoy más que seguro que la culpa fue del de la motocicleta, porque me vio y luego desvío la mirada).

Luego de eso, todo super bien, a excepción de que se salió la cadena al caer en un agujero (ni era un gran agujero), me toco llenarme las manos de grasa y seguir. El viaje fue muy divertido, aunque estaba el sol bastante fuerte y creo que me queme el cuello. Lo bueno es que lleve buena hidratación y antes de salir de la tienda pedí que me recargaran mi pote de agua.



Paso a paso, la bicicleta va a tomar una vida, los rines viejos pues... no me iban a servir para las nuevas adquisiciones, así que el gasto era necesario. Ahora me falta el piñón de atrás nuevo (porque tiene mucho movimiento) y eso no es nada bueno, hasta creo que eso me puede dañar la cadena o hasta dañarse en el camino y dejarme a pies (cosa que no quiero). Quizás para el próximo mes ya tenga la bicicleta al 100 y ya como extra, sería pintarla, ya les mostraré todo el proceso.

PD: compre los discos de aluminio, para ver si poco a poco le bajo peso a la bici, aunque no creo que haga mucha diferencia.

Un gran abrazo en la distancia.



Excelente, créeme que valdrá la pena ya que es lo que nos permite trasladar casi que siempre jaja.

Excellent, believe me it will be worth it as this is what allows us to move almost all the time haha.

si, por lo menos yo que hago las entregas de mi negocio, me ayuda mucho por eso tambien le ando comprando cosa para mejorarla

Wow you really had a fun bicycle day

hello, the truth is that it was fun, although a bit unexpected.

It's always nice when you find a bargain.
Cycling equipment can be really expensive...

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Yes, the truth is that I had been thinking about spending money, because there are many things that are expensive and well when there are offers you have to take advantage of them.

A big hug

Yo vendí mi bicicleta 😢