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RE: Chain swap quick and easy & a bit techy

in Cycling4 months ago

Great tips! Replacing a chain is something I do regularly mayself too. I also have the same (or somewhat different) tools as you have.
I have another tip; since your chain is on tension when you need to connect the quick release you can pull a piece of iron wire through both ends to keep them together so you have both hands to connect the quick release chain link.


Oh yeah!! My chain breaker came with that little piece of iron with two bent tips to serve as hooks. It makes life so much easier.

What chain brand are you using? I'm testing this YBN on both my bikes (11 and 12 speed). Curious to see if they'll last more than the original Sram.

I've been using multiple brands. Not the most expensive ones since I need to change it a couple of times a year 😀

Same for me. I've heard YBN is quite good. Zero Friction Cycling ranks Sram xx1 and xo1 as the most durable, but i'm not paying all that much too test if they really last -- one of those would need to last the same as 3 cheap chains to be worth it.

Long time no see!
I see you are powering down. Are you in need of funds or are you quitting Hive?Hey @mrprofessor

Hey! How's it going? I'm kinda busy lately starting a small bike repair shop at home. Gonna use the funds to buy more tools

I hope everything is alright on your end.

That is so cool!
Good luck with setting up your shop!
You should create a blog about it when you can find the time 👍

Yeah! It's been fun. My favorite job is the full service, where I disassemble the entire bike and build back. I'm recording a lot on Instagram (@officina.marnatti).