70k solo training!
What's up friends I hope you are well today we continue sharing with you this training that was the first with the change of chainring, if I finally put go to 38 chainring and now I can go faster that if, I'm still getting used as I come from using a 34 chainring, and 36 and although it seems that 2 more teeth in the catalina of the bicycle because if it makes a drastic change because it is heavier and my cadence change to be lower which on the one hand I compensate with a 170mm cranks, to have a higher cadence, and so far I'm still used to it because in climbs it has cost me a lot to climb as fast as I did with the 34 chainring for example.
Que tal amigos espero se encuentren bien hoy continuamos compartiendo con ustedes este entrenamiento que fue el primero con el cambio de plato, si por fin puse pasar a plato 38 y ahora puedo ir mas rapido eso si, aun sigo acostumbrándome ya que vengo de usar un plato 34, y 36 y aunque parezca que 2 dientes mas en la catalina de la bicicleta pues si hace un cambio drástico ya que es mas pesada y mi cadencia cambio a ser mas baja lo cual por una parte lo compenso con unas bielas 170mm, para tener una cadencia mas alta, y hasta ahora me sigo acostumbrado ya que en subidas me ha costado bastante poder escalar tan rapido como lo hacia con el plato 34 por ejemplo.
Placing the crankset is very simple in this type of cranks that are with exposed screws, as there are different types of anchoring and this is one of the easiest because I can disassemble the crankset without removing the cranks, as I would have to do if it were a direct mount crank.
Colocar el plato es muy sencillo en este tipo de bielas que son con tornillos expuestos, ya que existe diferentes tipos de anclaje y este es uno de los mas sencillos ya que puedo desmontar el plato sin necesidad de quitar las bielas, como tendria que hacer si fuese una biela montaje directo.
If there is something that training does with our body is to prepare us to endure much easier distances already traveled before, and it is easier to overcome other limits of the body what I like most of these workouts is to work above my limit to overcome that limit and to demand my body beyond and each time beyond what it is used to, once you get used to touch thresholds never before reached you become addicted to want and want to break more limits.
Si hay algo que entrenamiento hace con nuestro cuerpo es prepararnos para aguantar mucho mas fácil distancias ya antes recorridas, y es mas fácil superar otro limites del cuerpo lo que mas me gusta de estos entrenamientos es trabajar encima de mi limite superar ese limite y poder exigir mi cuerpo mas allá y cada ves mas alla de lo que esta acostumbrado!, una vez te acostumbras a tocar umbrales nunca antes alcanzados te vuelves adicto a querer y querer mas romper limites.
Ups and more ups, is what was more present in one of the most impacting sections of the route, since the other was the headwind back, since lately in all my routes the wind always take it in control which gives a plus, of difficulty and much more effort because maintaining a constant speed against the wind on a mountain bike is something that deserves much more effort.
Subidas y mas subidas, es lo que estuvo mas presente en uno de los tramos de mayor impacto en la ruta, ya que el otro fue el viento de frente de regreso, ya que últimamente en todas mis rutas el viento siempre lo llevo en contro lo que le da un plus, de dificultad y mucho mas esfuerzo ya que mantener una velocidad constante en contra del viento en una bici de montaña es algo que amerita mucho mas esfuerzo.
3 hours of travel that could easily have been 30 minutes less but I made several stops and when I got home I had to slow down a lot because I was passing through a very busy urban area and I had to stop many times due to the passage of vehicles!
3 horas de recorrido que fácilmente pudo ser 30 minutos menos pero hice varias paradas y ya al llegar a mi casa tuve que bajar bastante la velocidad ya que pasaba por una zona urbana muy transcurrida y tuve muchas veces que tenerme por el paso de vehículos!
The road to victory is clearly the effort and that's why I will continue training hard until 2 days before the event and that two days a few soft routes to keep the muscles active to go well prepared, hopefully everything will continue to flow normally to get from start to finish without any problems!
EL camino hacia la victoria es claramente el esfuerzo y por eso voy a seguir entrenando fuerte hasta 2 dias antes del evento y eso dos dias unas rutas suaves para mantener los músculos activos para ir bien preparo, esperemos todo siga fluyendo con normalidad para lograr llegar de principio a fin sin ningún problema!
I hope to see you here and that you also have a good workout no matter how many kilometers it is, what matters is that you feel good and push your limits until you get to where you want to be.
Espero verlos aca y que tambien tenga unos buenos entrenamientos no importa cuantos kilometros sean lo importa es que se sientan bien y empujen sus limites hasta llegar donde quieren estar.
- Las fotografías son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi iPhone 7 plus .
- Las imágenes fueron editadas con Canva
- Parte de las fotografías fueron editadas con Lightroom
- La traducción a ingles fue gracias a Deelp
- The photographs are of my authorship, taken with my iPhone 7 plus .
- The images were edited with Canva.
- Part of the photographs were edited with Lightroom.
- The english translation was thanks to Deelp
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That 38 chainring is a nice improvement to your bicycle. It must give you some extra power downhill and on the flat.
Climbs and wind are not a good combination. At least, headwind isn't 😀
Nice training! Good to see you're active on here again!
Totally true! haha on the flat and downhills it's a delight but on climbs and upwind I'm still suffering a bit, thank you very much, I hope to be more active I'm trying to keep back in focus! see you later !
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