ingi1976 just finished a 38.8km virtualride, that lasted for 79 minutes.
This virtualride helped ingi1976 burn 862.0 calories.
Description from Strava: World Racing league Race 5/6 part 2 - Hard race again, We came in at 2nd place so we have 1 point lead on top of the league before the last race next week :)
If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:
About the Athlete: I am Icelandic and living in Denmark, riding it out in the real world and virtually on Zwift and RGT.
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Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
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This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):
This is great
How did you do this? How did you feel after the ride? Would you suggest this for someone?
Hey Preciouz,
I ride online on Zwift platform, after these races i am totally worn out, but Zwift offers all kind of different choices, Races, Trainingsm free rides etc. all that suits your current mood.
Would absolutely recommend this for everyone that likes to train and ride a bike, I use it when the weather here is too cold to do outdoor rides.
It's beautiful ❤️