This... landscape

in Cycling11 months ago (edited)

April 17, 2024.

I could start at the end; say, for example, that I am still waiting for a fellow cyclist who told me that today we would go to Monte Barreto: a forest.

But I would like to show this idyllic landscape...


... and my smile when my neighbour intercepted me coming from Taichi and gave me Milka.

I asked her to take this picture of me because this Milka thing has a history in my Blog.


Today I feel very lucky. So, the landscape was not idyllic. Nothing is idyllic for me at this moment. Milka is here again against all odds. And these days I feel rewarded, because it's not that I have stopped being chaotic, I have moved a little bit forward in my goals and that's enough.

I have realised that I don't have to push myself or suffer because I don't achieve perfection.

As long as you recognise your progress and are happy with it, the path is already promising.
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Ok. I'm not going to the forest today. It's 17:21 and this guy just told me that his day got tough. I'm just saying, nothing is perfect. However, I haven't been idle waiting. I got ahead on work. Write this post and think that landscapes (all of them) always have something good to show. It is only up to us to realise this.

On the other hand I have to celebrate that I have not smoked for a long time now. I would go to look for the day I said it here on Hive, but ... I feel lazy/ :D

It's just a fact. Not the fact that I'm lazy 🙄😂... but that I quit smoking.

I don't feel like smoking, I'm enthusiastic about my bike training, the Taichi practice officially began today, and I'm committed to filling every moment of my life with significance for myself and those around me.

Landscapes - they will be there. Can you see what's in this?


This is the view I see just a short time before arriving home. And what you see in the background is rubbish.

We are big producers of rubbish and the sad thing is that sometimes it is not treated properly.

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I don't want to digress, but sometimes you have to deal with rubbish situations as well. Again, you have the power to leave it behind after processing that rubbish that we often just want to hide under the furniture so it doesn't show up. Yet we know it's there, so that's why that magic trick is not the solution.

We are not perfect, but we are perfectible. And I know, I said it, we should not pursue perfection (it is often utopian) but improving is an achievement. Let's improve without hurting ourselves. One step at a time.

The mountain of rubbish is burnt from time to time. It is terrible to see how people risk being in it, exposing themselves to danger in many ways.

Even we in this neighbourhood feel the danger of breathing these fumes.


We have all fallen victim to our blindness at some point, finding ourselves in messy situations or concealing our mess under furniture to maintain the illusion of a clean space.


It is important to be brave and say enough, and be consistent in doing good to others. It's like giving love, without expecting anything in return.

There have been a lot of distractions to get here. It's 19:00. I wanted to share some thoughts with you, things that have been circulating in my mind for a long time, and I have come to realize that in order to appreciate the beauty of life, one must also create with beauty.


Is it possible to leave this behind?

Riding a bike and practicing Taichi seem like viable options to do it.

Btw, I switched to STRAVA even though I've been exporting my workouts to Relive.

If you want to follow me on STRAVA, here is my link.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Although the Milka tastes a lot better, maybe you could suggest the neighbor to supply you with more proteins, for the sport activities ;)


🤭😂 se me hace un poco difícil esto de sugerir.

¿Este es para mí? 🙂

Pensaba que te gustaba más el chocolate blanco. Pero sí, este dark con proteinas podemos compartir, l@s deportistas necesitan versiones sanas y de los dulces :)

Aunque, no sabe muy bien, es bastante amargo en mi opinión

ayyy... me gusta todo lo que tenga chocolate 🤤

no lo sabía... 😂

Jaja, so you eventually got your Milka again :))

Have you heard that your wishes are my command?

Es el Universo que siempre me escucha y me complace.

Hi @nanixxx, I start by informing you that I will not follow you on STRAVA, I've looked and I'm already tired. I applaud the decision to first love you, not punish you, no need to manufacture more garbage. I am happy for your achievements. Y con chocolate todo is much better, seguro. A very big hug

But are you tired of seeing me? Just seeing me? 😶

Y con chocolate todo is much better, seguro.

Jajaja... sí claro. I know.

I have seen sport, follow your progress, mine, not @nanixxx's (and the truth, first I got scared, then I felt very tired). 😁

Pues nada, ya te entreno yo jajaja... 😅😂

Eso no es nada, quiero llegar a hacer 30 kilómetros por semana al menos en bicicleta. Además de caminatas, correr, TaiChi y frontenis.

Por ahora me quedaré con mi Chi kung, es más tranquilo 😁, lo que no me ha quedado claro, podemos seguir tus progresos a través de la app?

Claro. El más mínimo movimiento y pongo la STRAVA. 😂 Espero que no se trabe.

Me voy a trabajar, con la duda del horario cubano. Hasta más tarde

Wow, it's discouraging when we are left with a training partner on board. However, riding a bike alone has its rewards. I find the route you are taking a photo of interesting. It has quite a few rocks. Gotta have good tires. Regards @nanixxx

A mountain bike has to be able to roll over those rocks, right? But I didn't go there. I just got a bit closer and with my zoom lens I took those pictures.


those railway cobbles must have been uncomfortable to redal on

We have all fallen victim to our blindness at some point, finding ourselves in messy situations or concealing our mess under furniture to maintain the illusion of a clean space.

i am lucky to live alone, I can leave my socks and pants on the floor for days and not worry LOl

😂😅🤭 I guess I should have made a different comparison 🤪😅 I can't stop laughing.

🤣 😇 🤙
Ho hum,

Good thing that you quit smoking.
And cycling will help to make those lungs clean again!

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Yes, I feel wonderfully well. And with renewed energy. Thank you friends!

We have all fallen victim to our blindness at some point, finding ourselves in messy situations or concealing our mess under furniture to maintain the illusion of a clean space.

Who hasn't been through that, I think everyone has, I include myself, I have been lost, very lost, blind, many things until I found that light that is not from here. No more of that. And you will find it!

I love chocolate Milka!!!!!! I want an alfajor!


I found that light that is not from here.

The best light! 😉


😅 ay pero que descanse un poco de esa besuqueadera.

Bueno.... de vez en cuando un descanso 🤣

I imagine two things. Eating that Milka and hearing you try to speak as you rode over the rail road tines inside the rails 😂

Remember that my bike is a mountain bike, all land!

Milka 🤤

Good point but there would be some vibrations still right?

🤣 But good (((vibes))), Amigo.

Now I wonder did you ride between the rails 😂

😄 Nah... (Milka was in my hands and if she spent any more time outside she would melt).


Me encanta esta nani perseverante y deportiva, esta es una ruta de no retorno, y tú la has descubierto.

🥳 Muchas Felicidades por todo ese tiempo sin fumar, estoy segura que lo dejaras totalmente atrás. 👏👌❤

Ojalá 🙏 también algún día sepamos tratar mejor la basura, ya que como bien dices, siempre estará ahí.

Y por último gracias por compartir con esa linda y constructiva energía más que necesaria hoy 🪄

Un abrazo enorme mi Jessy. Gracias y espero poder siempre contribuir con algo. 😇

Milka!!! Milka!!! Para endulzar tu vida!! Y el Taichi para equilibrar cuerpo y mente. 🤗

¡Ponte de acuerdo en lo que me quieres decir! 😁 ¿Y dónde dejamos las croquetas de Amanda?

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-17 at 9.51.50 PM.jpeg


I could not believe when I first saw Milka jajaja soooo delicious!!! Free of smoking!!! Congratulations,! you are in the good way now.... take a good care of you and keep on smaling!

I couldn't believe it myself the first time I received a Milka chocolate as a gift. This one is even more anticipated, as my neighbour knows that it caused quite a stir. She remembered me as soon as she saw it.

Ahora mismo estoy viendo en la tele un reporte de la fábrica de chocolate de Baracoa... parece que tiene nueva tecnología y nuevos productos

¿El NTV? 🙄

la mesa redonda


Ayer estuve en la Finquita del arte y le comenté a mi que quieres visitarla

I loved the line "As long as you recognize your progress and are happy with it, the path is already promising".
Great mindset.


It's what I've been learning over time. And so I share it.

Thank you.

Careful when cycling along the rails..
Btw, do you take photos while pedaling?

I don't go inside the railway tracks. And to take pictures I get off the bike, hahaha... all procedures are done carefully and very cautiously. Don't worry, your friend will be fine. 😇

Thank you 🤗

I’ve not tasted Milka before but I genuinely think it sure would be nice, why is that?
Your smile behind it says it all,hehe


I hope that one day you can try it out.

Sending you a hug, thank you!

Yeah I hope so too

Improvement is better than pursuing perfection. That really stood out for me.

Meanwhile, I love your consistency and your determination.



Perfection does not exist outside of us. We are perfect just the way we are.


Thank you

You're welcome.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/5) @coolmidwestguy tipped @nanixxx