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Lmao. Now they admit it. Everyone else knew that years ago..
Every one rational and competent to understand. There are plenty of people that aren't, and I still see people wearing masks from time to time. Not much we can do for those folks, I grant, but they exist, and they still believe masks keep them safe, somehow, from something.
Well, some people believe there's more than two sexes also.. They are also wrong
Mask has placebo effect.
Security blanket for some I knew.
Reminds me of the anti-mask guy during the covid con who would take a drag on a cigarette, put on a mask, and show us the smoke come pouring out all over when he exhaled.
“Yeah, buh smoke ith racistsss!”
Pretty funny given viruses are the size of unicorns...or maybe the same things... LOL!
I literally read dozens of studies, most of which folks had claimed proved masks worked, and many of which tried to make statements that masks would work, in certain conditions, or etc., but not one of them produced actual evidence that masks prevented viral transmission in practice. There remains no studies that show that masks of any kind prevent viral transmission in practice, and there are studies that show that masks harm people wearing them, and even cause more infections in surgery patients when the doctors wear masks.
One thing some studies showed, though, was that masks were like talismans. People believed in masks. This gave them better outcomes through the placebo effect. Life is weird.
Rosemary/Teatree oiled beards are best.
I'm sure they stop viruses every bit as well as any mask shoved over them.