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RE: Not My Meme! #777

in Not My Meme!2 months ago (edited)

Read the Talmud. Jews are trained from birth to treat other peoples like animals, to be pure evil. You're in denial for a reason. People like you all are.

If people are the way that they are, there is always a reason for it. I am sure if I was in the inclination for it, I could read the histories surrounding the Talmud and find out exactly what that reason is.

"Castreau resigned, so when he looked Trump in the face and saw himself there, that broke his spirit, and he couldn't take the shame anymore."

Don't prattle on to me Ralph when your bias is clearly shown.


It's not pro-Trump, nor pro-Trudeau. So, my bias is anti-evil. The only people that would have a problem with that are the pro-evil. I can make jokes. You've got your grown up pants on. Prattling is what we do, you and I.