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RE: Not My Meme! #365

in Not My Meme!last year

Like vegetable oil that used to be cusco that used to be oil for lamps to light homes. But Cisco couldn't pass as safe and hundred thousands died, so the same Cisco guys founded the heart association and "approved" their own oil to be used again as.. you guessed it, vegetable oil, corn oil. Etc.

Cook your food with the poisoned water instead. It's healthier lol



I use lard, butter, or very few and specific oils of olive, coconut, and no others (although some recommend a few others, I haven't found the need for things like grapeseed oil).


I've switched to manteca from peanut oil a couple years ago.
Real butter I've been using for a decade.
They just seem to treat me better than the oils and crap they call 'food additives'.

I can't wait to get back down there, I was 165lbs when I came back the first time.
6 months later I had gained it all back.
I blame the bread and sodas.