alohaed cross-posted this post in Archon 28 days ago

A look at OCD's onboarding program

in OCD28 days ago

I wanted to take a deeper look at our onboarding initiative over the years so I asked @hivetrending if he could fetch me some stats from hivesql. I wanna preface this with a few things first.

Our onboarding initiative is a lot more than just sending people an invite link and hoping they figure stuff out. At the same time the active onboarders are also not grealy rewarded, which I'll go into in more detail in this post. There's a lot of work that goes into guiding newcomers to the basics of Hive to see them get active and do well. While things aren't perfect, not to mention the unstable onboarding platform we've been using (, we're hoping that we can further improve, grow and scale this initiative up in the near future to have a lot more active users through this initiative which we believe fosters a better community than hoping random traffic/new accounts may achieve.

Before we get into the stats, and at the same time as an introduction to new possible onboarders reading this, here's how the initiative works right now.

We utilize discord to generate 1 time-use invite links that use hiveonboard but bypass sms verification as our onboarders invite people directly they're in contact with, thus confirming their uniqueness at the beginning stages and avoid any sock/farm abuse. These invite links generate account credits from @ocd only and give the referrers a 3% beneficiary reward on posts the onboarded users create (this can be removed later). When the onoarded accounts make their first post, which usually is an introduction post, we also highlight this post in @ocdb's compilation posts which then sends the rewards to the onboarder. Furthermore we give the onboarders a space where they can nominate the onboarded account's posts for a timespan of 3 months with a declining post/week nomination limit as each month goes by, meaning for the first month they can nominate up to 3 posts/week of the new users for our curation while on the 3rd month this drops down to 1/week upon which on the next month they "graduate" from our initiative and we hope other curation projects/stakeholders take care of curating them further. This is to avoid giving newcomers through our initiative too big of an advantage compared to regular users joining Hive which we'd also love to curate and spend voting power on. Lastly we also allow onboarders who happen to also author posts and are in our scope of underrewarded to receive votes if they actively onboard users.

There's 3 main ways for onboarders to receive rewards for their activities of guiding and onboarding users, many of them do a lot more than that and even host webinars and different events to onboard and teach people about the basics of Hive. We'd like to see them rewarded more which hopefully would also increase the interest in becoming onboarders and see this initiative scale over time.

Here's a list from our recent compilation post showcasing the amount of users some of our top onboarders have invited.

Although the posts are now over 1 year old,

@demotruk made some very detailed posts on onboarder stats and retention rates of our onboarded users if you'd like to take a look at more info:

Alright, let's now dive into some of the recent and a bit different stats I had @hivetrending pull for this post. They are split based on which year they were onboarded to showcase how many accounts we created each of those years, their average post and curation rewards, average hivepower holdings, then we move over to post count, comment count, comments received along with followers and following and if they're still active in the past 30 days.

  • accounts created naturally stands for amount of accounts @ocd has created which is only used for our onboarding initiative
  • avg post rewards stands for the average post rewards these accounts have earned over the time they've been active
  • curation rewards stands for amount of curation rewards these onboarded accounts have earned over the time they've been active
  • avg hp stands for amount of hive power they have left on their accounts
  • post count stands for total amount of posts all these onboarded accounts have created
  • comment count stands for total amount of comments these onboarded accounts have created
  • comments received stands for total amount of comments received on the posts of these onboarded accounts
  • followers means total amount of followers these onboarded accounts have received
  • following means total amount of accounts these onboarded accounts have followed
  • active means how many of these accounts are still active the last 30 days

Each row here represents a year, starting from 2022 until 2025:

accounts createdavg post rewardscuration rewardsavg hppost countcomment countcomments receivedfollowersfollowingactive
6814711 hp83.26 hp141.96819600206124212028179101875442
6273629 hp25.13 hp119.50611112111010108629114551527360
5203141 hp13.65 hp131.03871307029176320875912214127
95495 hp0.02 hp230.7902681997257550980660

Alright, so what can we get from this data.

We can see that the OCD onboarding initiative has created 1923 accounts in roughly 3 years out of which 289 are still active to this day. We can note that they do receive good rewards since they are directly onboarded and onboarders can nominate their posts for curation to us directly, this gives them an advantage over other regular users who join and need "to be found" (which we also run different initiatives for: @lovesniper being one). We can note that they're not too big into voting, this can be partially due to their accounts still growing and with an average HP rewards of ~3500 per year at 8.5% APR this means curation rewards should be at roughly 300 hp on average per year which they are not, we may have to make sure onboarders also teach them about voting and what else they can do with their Hive Power.

Other things we've noticed are that the focus points of users that are being onboarded, primarily latino american ones (mostly venezuela) and the philippines is that they've also integrated well into the communities. This most likely being due to the big and lively PH community and their members. There's often completely new users who receive more engagement than some of our trending folks which is great to see and can be proven by the "comments received" stats above that not only are they very active socially themselves but it is reciprocated as well.

Another reason why I'm making this post is to start generating some more rewards to give to onboarders and their activities and to incentivize more people to participate in these initiatives. We noticed @macciata doing some good work with quite a low budget in Indonesia and we believe that focusing these acitivites towards an already big and tech-savvy community like the Philippines would be a good idea to bring more people over here and grow that community further. Furthermore the Philippines is also known to have very crypto-friendly laws and people as many have already been through many market conditions and booms and busts of past "big" events such as Axie Infinity which has taught many how to use crypto so Hive integration would feel a lot easier compared to attempting to bring people who are completely new to crypto to Hive.

Thus I think it'd be a good idea to allocate some additional funding, primarily funded by @poshtoken posts and potential comments to existing onboarders and newer ones who'd like to focus more on this and if we see good results it'd be a good idea to also look for additional funding from the DHF to continue and scale this initiative.

Either way, this post is to present you with some of the numbers. These are easy to fetch by anyone knowing how to use hivesql and can be confirmed, we have even removed a few spammy accounts which we weren't really sure how they were created with @ocd to make sure the numbers above are as legitimate as possible. So we welcome others to verify them for themselves and add their thoughts and feedback to our program.

in our Discord, however do note that we require the people to have been on hive for some time and understand it well enough to teach others, be quite active themselves and generally a trusted person that doesn't have a sketchy history on-chain. We'd love for people from different geolocations/countries to apply as well to see how that could evolve, places like Argentine, Brazil and El Salvador would be great additions as some of them already have quite a growing community here and the other would be good to widen the usage due to Bitcoin's legitimacy as a currency and with Hive's upcoming connections to it through VSC and the already exsiting v4vapp option.With that we'd also like to invite other onboarders to try our program out, you can simply apply for it in the #onboarder-application channel

Anyway, this post already got quite long for a first one in a while. I've been quite busy with @holozing but will be trying to post a bit more in the near future to keep you up to date on things. Let me know your thoughts and hope you all have been well!