Having a healthy relationship is not that complicated

Image by Oziel Gómez

There are so many people, who tend to remain single because they feel a relationship can alter their peaceful life, some are scared because of the hurt they have experienced being in one, and some can’t seem to find the right person to be in a healthy relationship with. But the truth is no one is perfect and you being scared you are of getting hurt in a relationship means you are losing a chance to be happy. There is no way you can experience happiness alone and be truly happy and enjoy it to the fullest and if you do find that happiness you want, trust me you will need someone to share that moment with.

To find happiness in a relationship, the relationship must first of all be healthy, because when it’s healthy, there won’t be a need for stress and drama. There are different types of ways to have a healthy relationship, and they are the basic and common things we ignore in a relationship, maybe because of ignorance or lackadaisical attitudes. So there are going to be some tips are free mind sharing which I feel might help you and me in some case scenarios that may or may not occur.

Image by Colin Maynard

Helpful Tips:

In any relationship, be it friendship, romantic, or any kind of ship, the most important thing is communication. Communication is like the foundation of any relationship because if there isn’t then the relationship is standing on a thin thread. Be it a long-distance relationship or close relationship, communication is needed for it to work, even though a distance relationship is difficult to endure and can be sometimes frustrating but I believe with frequent talking things can at least work out well to some extent.
Communication can be voice calls, video calls, chatting/texting, frequent exchange of physical conversations, and all these also have to come with sharing problems during the conversation both good and bad, and also express your feelings or emotions through it or what is needed to be done or communicated.

When you find a good relationship or someone you want to be with it, it’s important to note that we all have our different personalities, different ways of showing love, and different characters. So the best thing for us to be is to keep our expectations realistic that no one can be perfect and we can’t change anyone instead to learn to live, cope and adapt to be together with them, because living with a change is not easy because having a relationship with someone who has a different personality with you can’t be easy. So for you to have a healthy relationship you have to accept change and be flexible.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

In any relationship, it’s common to make promises to help each other or do something important and once the promise is made, it means we have given the other person expectations and hope for that promise to be fulfilled. So it’s expected for you to follow through with it and also take responsibility when it is not and have a good reason why it wasn’t for understanding, peace, and a healthy relationship.

Fights and quarrels are very common in a relationship, in fact, the most common thing to experience in a relationship are fights and quarrels. These things occur because of disagreements about something that they have different opinions of. To resolve these, what one has to do is to first all cool down and listen to one another one after the other for points and complaints to be laid out before responding. Also during the cause of the quarrel and arguments, it’s important to share your feelings, how you feel about the situation, try as much as possible to avoid blames, and instead think of what went wrong and try to resolve it. Aside from trying to avoid blames, avoid criticizing your partner and placing judgments and the most important thing of all is to avoid being physical because this can end it all, all that you’ve built together can come crashing in a minute.

Images by freestocks

Sometimes when we have issues concerning a particular thing, it’s common for people to drive away from the current issue and bring up the past or something that didn’t even start the present quarrel which is very bad and sometimes unfair on either person because we are either trying to escape the current situation and avoiding taking responsibility for our actions instead of apologizing. Apologizing needs to be the first go-to option before explaining and apologizing doesn’t have to come from the heated moment but after explanations are done and the air cleared and even if you wrong or right you have to do it for a healthy relationship.

Let's not break hearts, he said: Whether big or small, apologizing has to be something magical and it really needs to happen. Something from a heartfelt shows the difference between a healthy relationship and a relationship. If it comes from the ordinary language of being one of the little people, if it's just an example from these days, then that exaggeration is just an example for simple manipulation.According to @goktug0814 in

There is one thing we should know about healthy relationships and is the fact that it’s a process and there’s no need to rush it. Like I said earlier on, everyone has different personalities, because you are cool and confident about yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that others are cool and free-spirited to just the way you are. It takes time for one to actually fit in into any relationship be it friendship or romantic because they might be healing from a bad one that just ended or be single and lonely for a long time and everything might just be new and time is needed to fit in. So patience and process need to be taken.

Images by Farsai Chaikulngamdee

To have a healthy relationship, we have to make room for each other, create time to experience life, activities and we need to do. In summary, we have to balance our lives because when there’s no time for each other to explore things of interest like dates, traveling, adventures, and activities that are fun, it’s going to be a boring relationship and will end up being unhealthy. So we have to keep our lives balanced and create chances for each other.

There should be no room for pretenses instead feel free to communicate your feelings and flaws for better understanding in the relationship because no matter how long you pretend to be someone you not, one day or slowly your real you will start showing up in the surface and it can end things. You should be authentic, be you and do you and let them see you for who you are and then everything else will fall into place because you will definitely get to enjoy the relationship when the real you is being displayed instead of trying so hard to be what you not.


This is a very good article. Congratulations. Thank you for including my words in your article. I hope your article will guide many people.

I really much appreciate and thanks very much for being part of my guide in your article. And I do hope the article reach a lot of people to help them