When we think about education, we always remember school and university. But the education is not temporary, it should be always continues during all our lives.
Of course writing and reading and counting is necessary. And we have to learn that anyway because that will be used during all our lives. But digging deeper in that is not that important, it should be learned only if someone want to build the carrier related to teaching a language or the history, or translating it, or just as general education. The same about mathematics, not all people plan to be mathematicians, so why to waste time learning in details about higher mathematics if that will not be implemented in life.
Most of the people in the world study more than 10 years to be able to start working. While the most significant for life or to start the work could be learned only in a few years. Even though, most of those who start working somewhere have to learn everything about that work and most of what's learned in school or university isn't used there at all. That's why I think that people should have only one school where they will learn the general life skills for a few years, and they already can start learning about the profession. In this case we will have teenagers already ready to step in the world of work, and they will be already good professionals in their young age. In this situation they will not lose years of their lives learning what's not needed and forgotten after, and they will not lose years to choose the work they want and to learn about the work during the beginning and earning nothing from that.
So, the school should be the place where students choose their future work first. Then to learn only what's related to it. That will save really a lot of time.
this post :That's why I agree with the following quote by @ford.stem from
If you are good at something, my advice and cordial suggestion is that to you,dont waste time amd effort to make other options plugged in for you.
Ah, so exactly described, part of what I wanted to say about the modern day education.
There are lots of sectors in this field,where basic reform is a timely need.
Great to see the citation from my post.
I am so thankful that you brought the topic to spotlight..
My heartly love to you, 💗..
Enjoy the day.
You're very welcome. Glad you have the same opinion about modern education.