The winners of the contest of DCooperation & Comentador !

in DCooperation4 years ago


The great contest of @dcooperation and @elcomentador is finished !

We asked participants to share posts about the comments that changed or affected their lives. And we had so many great entries, but we have to choose the winners.

I chose 10 winners, and I'll distribute DCC token as promised :

The best entry I liked the most is the entry of @darkfemme.

As a music lover, I liked her singing rap in Spanish and sharing that in a @threespeak video. You may watch the video here :

So, she shared in her entry : MUCHOS COMMENTARIOS QUE CAMBIARON MI VIDA a few comments she liked and she promoted the authors.

She's getting for that 100 DCC tokens what worth now about $50.


The second entry I liked is from @actioncats . She got for it 90 DCC.

It's a well formatted post, with a few illustrations and with the English translation, you may check it here : The comment that changed my life/ El comentario que cambio mi vida (ENG/ESP).


The third entry is from @cesarsj5 . He'll get 80 DCC for that.

It's a nice quality post with the translation in English, you may read it here : The Life-Changing Comment in me on Hive [SPA - ENG].


¡YO COMENTO, TU COMENTAS Y TODOS COMENTAMOS! | | I Comment, You Comment And We All Comment!. So, I'm sending her 70 DCC.The other entry is from @yenmendt who posted the following post :


⭐️⭐️⭐️ [ESP-ENG] Concurso Testimonio: Un comentario que cambió mi vida 😃 ⭐️⭐️⭐️. I'm sending her 60 DCC.Another post is by @malomi. It's a really nice formatted post, and informative, also well translated to English. Check it here :


Los comentarios positivos nos hacen crecer (Esp-Eng). She will be sent 50 DCC.The other post is by @isaomaroon . It's also covering a few comments. Here is the post :


Un comentario positivo, puede cambiarte el resto de la vida. 🍃🦋/One positive comment, can change the rest of your life. 🍃🦋. It's a good post with a few illustration. I'm sending the author 40 DCC.Another post is by @mili2801.


The post by @damarysvibra is also cool. I mean this one : ["Testimonio: un comentario que cambió mi vida" | | "Testimony: a comment that changed my life"[ESP-ING]]("Testimonio: un comentario que cambió mi vida" | | "Testimony: a comment that changed my life"[ESP-ING]). It's alive with some lessons from life. The author gets for that 30 DCC.


I liked as well this post : Contest "Testimony: a comment that changed your life" || Concurso "Testimonio: un comentario que cambió tu vida" by @rejicoronado. Besides participating in the contest, the author wrote a little poem. He gets for that 20 DCC.


A Comment that Changed My Perspective[ESP/ENG]. I'll send him 10 DCC.And the last post, I'll chose and it's hard sometimes to choose is by @fragozar01 because I saw the guy active in the comments of the contest. Here is his entry :


About everyone else who participated, I would say, that the participation is what matters more, not to win. Because the contest made so many of you remember the best ever comment you ever got, and it creates a great movement on the blockchain.

Thanks a lot for @garybilbao who proposed such awesome collaboration. Thanks for all the team of @elcomentador. And thanks to everyone who supported the entries, like @aliento, @theycallmedan and others.


Looking for more collaborations in the future !


Join our discord server here : DCooperation Discord Server

Or subscribe to our community here : DCooperation Hive Community

Learn about : The use case of our DCC token !


Woww! Thank youUUU 😍

I am very excited to have been considered for your award and I appreciate it very much, I promise to make good use of this award....
On the other hand, I didn't know your community and I'm glad to have arrived here, I'm going to keep an eye on your news and initiatives and to give feedback with them...

Thanks to the team @elcomentador, to all who supported and congratulations to all the other winners.

A big hug and Happy Sunday 🤗🌻



Thanks to you as a community for supporting this proposal of the Project, each and every one of the entries to the contest were excellent, thanks for allowing us a space to publish and for this beautiful inactive to reward these publications, I know it has been difficult to choose among so many, a big hug.

You're very welcome. I hope we will be able to create more collaborations with this awesome community ! ☺




Oh! Alelujah! Thank you so much! I hope that you, hivers, have learned something of my experience, so the winnings are even biggers!

Oh! Que emoción! Muchísimas gracias @dcooperation y a @clixmoney ! Es una gran motivación, pero ciertamente La experiencia del concurso ya es una ganancia. De verdad que disfruté mucho este concurso y escribir el post recordando algunos comentarios. La verdad es que muchos otros buenos comentarios quedaron por fuera, pero tenía que escoger sólo unos. También agradezco al súper equipo de @elcomentador, no me cansaré de insistir en la importancia de su papel en Hive, motivan a Minnow como yo a seguir superando nos dentro de esta plataforma.

Gracias a @garybilbao , @theycallmedan Y @aliento por la propuesta tan interesante y por el soporte a la misma.

Saludos y mis felicitaciones a todos los ganadores.

Oh, what a emotion! Thank you so much @dcooperation and @clixmoney ! It's a great motivation, but certainly the contest experience is already a win. I really enjoyed this contest and writing the post remembering some comments. The truth is that many other good comments were left out, but I had to choose just a few. I also thank the super team of @elcomentador, I will not tire of insisting on the importance of their role in Hive, they motivate Minnow like me to continue to overcome us within this platform. Thanks @garybilbao , @theycallmedan and @aliento for the proposal and its support.

Greetings and congratulations to all the winners.

Thank you very much for the recognition and the award, I am very pleased and happy about that. Grateful also for that great support to the @elcomentador project and for placing your grain of sand in the construction of a more human and cooperative Blockchain. Thank you very much, friends.

Muchísimas gracias por el reconocimiento y el premio, estoy muy complacido y feliz por eso. Agradecido también por ese gran apoyo al proyecto @elcomentador y por colocar su granito de arena en la construcción de una Blockchain mas humana y cooperativa. Mil gracias amigos.

You're very welcome. Thanks for being active in the comments !