I share with you a very simple explanation of what inflation is, published by a new user in our blockchain who studies precisely the economy and finance. I hope you like it:
The Concept of Inflation for Beginners sharing by @profitpig
I also leave you an entry from my blog that I made in the community, regarding the label of this initiative, I hope you can evaluate it and leave me your impressions:
Thanks for sharing the post about the inflation. I don't understand people who say that the inflation is good. Really don't. When I told someone that something like bitcoin is good and that there are a lot of cryptos that don't have inflation, but deflation and their price will be much better, he told me that the inflation is good somehow. Still don't get it why the inflation could be good. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but he didn't explain to me anyway why the deflation is bad. Do you think the deflation is bad ? I always thought that it's good to have a limited amount of money, but not printed all the time. That's why I loved bitcoin because it's limited. And no one will be able to print more when all of it will be mined.
Los que aun creen en que la inflación es buena, es porque todavía viven en el pasado y mantienen esa fe ciega en los gobiernos y en los economistas que ellos pagan.
Bitcoin es la revolución del dinero porque ha demostrado como debería comportarse una moneda que no se vea afectada por esa situación, lo que la hace única. Me encanta BTC y cada vez que puedo, acumulo mas. Este es el camino de lo descentralizado y que nadie puede controlar mas que sus usuarios.
Tienes razón. Me alegro de que te guste la descentralización.