When I engage in music with the foundation that it is a spiritual activity - in effect I clean it of the industry.
When I am surrounded by individuals of ambition who are 'climbing the ladder' - I become like them. Energetically it feels like vultures accessing Source through luring innocence (the channel of this power) and fighting over morsels - all the while outwardly smiling at one another. Considering - "If this is how it is done, then this is how it is done - I will conform because I want exposure and attention and I am entitled to believe 'I am great' and deserve greatness." Many also have no idea what they are in - then spend considerable effort in protecting it and maintaining the illusion of the nobility of ambition.
When I control who is around me and maintain a right to do so - with discernment I assess the fruits of actions within each - I eventually find individuals that have refined their compass to not only point towards 'high energy'.
The mature development of the intuitive compass is to recognize that 'high energy' comes from many places and is not necessarily attributed to a direct link with Source energy.
All this energy comes from source but it gathers in pockets and has been gathered by many types of entities in order to maintain identities - identities that need energy to maintain contradictions with source - using source energy gained from indirect means to uphold their essence - like as to a battery.
By actively engaging in a selfless way and pointing the compass towards true Source - I no longer lock down the potential of expression to channel source energy.
The tower of the industry at all levels feeds a behemoth. If we are to look at it directly and talk of it directly - we must consider that attaining higher levels on this tower, means slowly compartmentalizing vulnerability and innocence for the purpose of control of source energy which is for want of a better way of putting it - anti-source.
Once we lose all fear and accept lack of control - we are faced with a choice - do we rise above this system or do we allow ourselves to be trampled by industry and remain a victim?
Of course, the way forward is to create your own foundations.
You are alone in this until others join you or you meet other galactic travelers who travel in parallel.
A new nucleus of trust is developed through this commitment - a community reset.
For trust to be de-commodified we must first reserve a place in our hearts and reserve a group of people that can maintain this new type (old type) of trust - then grow outwardly slowly.
If we get burnt - we try again.
There is no option but to try again.
This is the solution.
The music industry is a microcosm to the macrocosm of greater society. Find ways in which your individual sphere of influence affects all other spheres outwardly. Once the momentum has begun - the change cannot be stopped.
Vulnerable individuals reflecting a new image onto each other - this in turn builds a trend - the trend then takes footing in the group - this in turn changes the world.
It all starts with you - alone.
Good luck!