
Yes, several episodes. The villain was Tempus and he was Superman's version of The Master from Doctor Who. Now you've got me thinking about setting aside some time to rewatch those episodes.

 5 years ago  

Yeah, that arch might be the best part of the show. Wow, like The Master. I didn't know that. Too bad they made the Doctor a woman now.

Hold on a moment. You're the administrator and you made me a moderator. Are you testing me to see how far I'd let something go off-topic? That's what I'd be doing. This is a test, right? :-)

 5 years ago  

No. Not a test lol. I don't really care if things go off topic, I aint no Community Nazi. And I already trust you mostly because your name, Holo Vision, is brilliant.

It's actually Holovision. One word and the v is lowercase. Thank you though. :-)

I don't have a problem conceptually with The Doctor being a woman. There was a lot of potential during the last two series that unfortunately has been unused or just plain ignored.

Almost two years ago on steemit I posted "My Ideal Doctor Who Villain (Other Than Myself)" That's kind of the direction that I would have liked the show to have gone.

 5 years ago  

Female Doctor Who, no thank you. But I do love Buffy, Alita, Lara Croft Tomb Raider depicted by Angelina Jolie, Captain Janeway of Star Trek Voyager, the Resident Evil Chick, the woman in the Salt movie, Tulsi Gabbard, and I like Cat Girl in that Fox television show called Gotham which was all about Bat Boy., that is before he became Batman.

Of course whether or not The Doctor should be female is one of the minor TV debates. The one truly important question is: Ginger or Mary Ann?

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