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RE: Musarañas

in Daily Blog3 months ago

I'll be honest, I found some things and went to the comments....
My best wishes to them that made my job easier, but if you had a full backpack, there were some things missing in those comments...and I'm a little short-sighted, I can't find anything...😅

I already understood about the Bluetooth!
Interesting and comfortable...the mess of those things is the battery, when I'm more confused, it's a pain! they stay at zero, I say this because of my wireless headphones...🥺
But they are a great way to have freedom of movement.

Rest and see you tomorrow birdie.



This one should last an hour and a bit. I'm already enjoying the music 😄 and I also had the super malt with the food, which is delicious, by the way. It's made in Cuba.
I'm already well wrapped up warm because I've been soaking wet today... and I'll rest, yes. Thank you @adaluna1973, friend.

Honor to whom honor is due, Cuban malt for me is the best of all...and if it is a "Guajira" or "Bucanero", so much better...

Rest and enjoy your new device.


¡Guajira! 🤣

😑.... jajaja.
Let me show day..
