The first time I heard the word holistic was about 10 years ago, at the baptism of the book of a Spanish nun, residing in my city, through her text she describes not only her religious experience, but also seeing around her the congregation of a whole through faith and congruent actions.
Then I met a painter who through her art channeled messages from the angels to help others. With her I had more time to talk and seeking to understand, she lovingly told me that what was necessary was to feel, to listen to the gift of speaking and with time communication arose.
I always had curiosity for the mystical, because my grandmother with her world of the reading of letters sowed me that very well, nevertheless by prejudices, and eagerness to be part of the academic world I was denied to deepen of the subject, even by shame, thinking about what they will say, my mistake always to give priority to the outside than my inner world.
But last year when I started the art therapy specialization all those past experiences came back to my mind like a puzzle, fitting piece by piece. I always knew that painting gives me relaxation, writing gives me structure and sewing gives me an empowerment that nothing else gives me. And sharing my knowledge with others using any of those disciplines really helped them.
Art is the interpretation of reality, holism is to understand that we are part of a whole, or as the teacher of the weekend said: “there is no orphanhood in the gift”. With art therapy I understood that there are other alternatives to relax, calm the nervous system, educate us and a myriad of benefits. Because you manage to get off the day to day, giving you permission to feel, when we feel we expand.

Thanks to that I also understood that my days are smoother when I see my routine with rituality, it gives a degree of sacred respect and allows me to be gentle with myself something very necessary to help others. In the practice of this came to the certification of ceremonies, where I lived the experience of preparing to guide from the well known cocoa ceremony, celebrate birthdays, womb blessings, pregnancies, marriages, premises, losses, farewells and welcomes, with all this I managed to integrate my art as well.

Es así como comprendí que hago arte holístico para ayudar a otros, porque a través de él, con técnicas que van desde la respiración hasta la palabra consciente y asertiva, abro un espacio seguro, donde lo necesario es sentir para luego hacer. Pero yo seguía sin afirmarme en todo esto, hasta este fin de semana viví la experiencia llamada Laboratorio Bhakti.

This took place near the Metro Unión Latinoamericana, at the Centro Cultural Casa Viva ArtEduca, located at Av. España 502, in a center where they teach different disciplines of art and yoga. But this Sunday, we had the visit of the theater teacher Jessica Walker, with more than 20 years of experience and a residency in an art academy in Europe, where every year they give scholarships to live the theater from a holistic sensibility.

It has been a long time since I shared in such large groups, much less in the position of student, I felt a lot, I allowed myself to flow and connect every space of my being, what surprised me most was the common thread of the teacher, see how she managed to integrate a lot of strangers and turn the meeting intimate, personal, where we all left firm and moved. It was definitely where I really believed that I do holistic art and it is necessary all over the world, to remember the lightness of being.

If you have a gift give it light, do not silence it, if you need to channel it or want to relax in a different way, contact me and live the experience of integrating your mind, body and soul through art, remember that the most important canvas is you. Thank you hivers for the company and motivation, you are part of every advance in my profession.

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Thanks a Lot ❤️🙏
Que bien, yo tengo algo de interés de aprender arteterapia, hago artesanía, específicamente joyería artesanal.
Buenísimo. Estoy a la orden.
Si pudieras recomendable algún libro al menos sería bien. Debo organizarme un poco más con mi vida y cosas que ando en mil cosas a la vez. De momento tengo pensado hacer un taller de hacer anillos en alambre básicamente donde la gente aprende sin stress y que pase un momento agradable.
Te recomiendo los talleres de ella
Voy. Gracias ☺️
Tengo también otras ideas anotadas básicamente con totems o animales de poder. A ver si retomo el proyecto