Bitcoin Hits 10K - My BTC & Hive Journey and Goals for This Cycle / BTC 10K突破、私のBTC・Hive愛と今サイクルの目標

in Daily Blog2 months ago (edited)

I made the stickers and spread it where I visit

Lately, I’ve been fascinated by drying food. I was planning to write about my experiments using our home heater to dehydrate various items. But then—Bitcoin hit $10K! So, the drying-food post will have to wait. Let’s talk about something I love: Bitcoin and Hive 🍊

My Journey with Bitcoin and Crypto

My crypto story began in 2015 when I was invited to research blockchain and Bitcoin for a project. The concept of an unstoppable financial system intrigued me—especially as I’d been following WikiLeaks, which felt like a related idea. That’s when I fell into the Bitcoin rabbit hole.

In 2016, a university friend introduced me to St**mit, and by 2020, I transitioned to Hive after the hardfork, where I’ve happily been ever since.

Looking back, it seems I’ve always loved writing. I’ve been publishing online since 1999—long before "blogging" was even a term. That’s over 25 years ... Writing feels as natural as breathing for me. So Hive Blog has become my playground—a place where I can create and connect daily.

This is my third Bitcoin cycle. While I’ve dabbled in altcoins, I’ve largely stuck with Bitcoin and my long-term love, Hive. That’s unlikely to change.

In the last cycle, I ventured into bot trading but ended up sidelining it after the FTX collapse. Rewriting bot codes felt tedious, and frankly, it disrupted the atmosphere at home. Writing suits me better, though I might dip back into programming—it can feel like a fun competition at times.

What I Hope for in Crypto

I’ve never been a fan of top-down authority, and I’ve often wished for a world without borders. While I appreciate the safety and services nations provide, they’ve always felt...strange to me.

Bitcoin and WikiLeaks offered a glimpse of a freer, more peaceful world—one where rewards aren’t diluted, and financial systems aren’t so easily manipulated. Hive, in its way, is a mini version of that ideal, and it’s a space where I feel at home after living here more than 8 years.

Goals and Lessons for This Cycle

Bitcoin hitting $10K is exciting, but I want to avoid the pitfalls of the last cycle. Here’s what I’ll focus on this time:

1. Enjoy the Process

Sure, a financial windfall is thrilling 🤑, but I’ve learned the joy of slow, meaningful engagement—like attending Hive Fest (@hivefest) in September and my daily Hive interactions. It's truly priceless. I promise it as a crypto oldie.

Closing party at the Hive Fest 2024

Loving what I do has always brought me both happiness and success. Same for crypto.

2. Prioritize Self-Custody

Remember FTX... I lost a significant sum chasing up the tiny 5-8% interest. Even though this damage, I was optimistic. I’m healthy, I can earn it back etc. But I don’t want to repeat that mistake. This cycle, I’m prioritizing self-custody. I’ll still appreciate the monthly interest from my HBD savings, though 😉

3. Earn and Save Through Creativity

The idea of passive income is tempting, but rarely sustainable. I might experiment with small bot trades (~$100), but I’ll focus on earning through my strengths: creating, writing, and translating.

4. Build Hive Power, Not Cash Out

After more than eight years in the Hive ecosystem, I plan to stick around. Rather than powering down and selling Hive aggressively, I’ll let my HP grow naturally piles up.

5. Stack Bitcoin with HBD

I’ll keep around $500–$1,000 in HBD savings for Hive-related expenses like Hive Fest tickets. Anything beyond that will be converted into Bitcoin. I previously used a Swiss no KYC service for BTC stacking but dropped it after they added mandatory KYC in this November. Hive + no KYC service such as V4V might be a good option.

In Closing

Safety first. Avoid risking amounts that could ruin your life and focus on enjoying the journey. This third cycle promises to be as rewarding as the last two—whether it’s a crypto winter or summer. Hive has been my home for years, and I’m so grateful for it.

Here’s to a fun and fruitful cycle ahead!

🍊 🍊 🍊

お仕事 - ビットコインとHiveのシールを貼っています

最近、食べ物を乾かすのがおもしろくて、家の暖房の上でいろいろ乾かしていることを書こうと思ったら、ビットコインの価格が10万ドル超えたので、乾物の記事は延期。大好物のビットコインについての思いを書こうと思います 🍊



2016年に大学時代の友人からStxxmitの存在を知って、2020年にHiveに移って今に至ります。思い返してみると私は文章を書くのが大好きだったようで、まだブログという言葉のない1999年からインターネット上に文章を書き始めてもう25年、日々息を吸うように文章を書いています。恐ろしいほど長いな・・・。英語に抵抗がないことも幸いして、Hive Blogは子供が毎日遊びにくる公園のような絶好の遊び場というわけです😁








1. まずは楽しむ!

お金が増えたーーー🤑みたいなのもアドレナリンは出て瞬間的には楽しいものの、9月に参加したHive Fest / @hivefest や、日々のHiveでの交流など、クリプトの世界をじわじわ楽しんでいきたいです。この楽しみはプライスレスです、本当に。老害が約束します。

Hive Fest 2024のクロージングパーティーにて。楽しかった!


2. 目先の金利に目をくらませないでセルフカストディ

Remember FTX ... 金利最大8%に目がくらんで結構な額を吹き飛ばしてしまいました。まあでも健康だしまた稼げばいいかと周りがびっくりするほど楽観的ですが、でも同じ間違いは犯したくありません。ということで、今サイクルではセルフカストディ。貯蓄口座のHBDの金利はありがたく毎月もらっていますが 😉

3. PoWもといPoBで貯める


4. パワーダウンせずにHPをためる


5. HBDでビットコインを積み立てる

HBDについてはHive FestのチケットなどHive上での支出を考えて500-1000ドルくらい貯蓄口座に入れておこうと思います。それを上回る分については、ビットコインにして積み立てようと思います。KYC不要のスイスのサービスで積み立てていたのですが、KYC必須になってしまったので、Hiveから積立ができるととてもよいです。




What a great dedication and longterm Story. Good learnings and I am Sharing many thoughts you pointed out. Loved especially the term „I‘ll concentrate on my strenghts, creating and writing.“ 💯
Hive on! 🤝🏻😎

Thanks @borsengelaber! Yes, let's Hive on 💪

It's so amazing how you have started writing online since so outstanding and you have kept the momentum going. That's so great.
Thanks for the lessons up there.

Happy to read your comment @princessbusayo! I think all of us have something that we can continue super naturally like my writing :) I didn't think that it becomes my profession.

You know, I never knew blogging/writing could earn someone some money until I was introduced to Steemit too in 2016 by my sister but unfortunately lost my keys when Hive was forked.

Oh no ... you were quite early on Hive. But keep on going. This kind of things happen and we learn. I learned my loss on FTX 🙃