Those friendships that come just when you need them the most. They come to save you from committing a nefarious act that even you cannot believe, they make you feel that you are not a nuisance, they make you understand that the mistake here is not you, but what others made you believe. They arrive just to help you get up, lift your spirits and know that you are not alone in this world. It is incredible how only 3 people changed my life in these first 7 days of the month, days where I could not stand living in agony and decided to give up places where I no longer belonged. I have so much to thank them for, so much to talk about. Maybe this process I am going through right now will be easier to overcome, easier to let go, thanks to those wonderful people who decide to save your life.
I have always said that the unconditional love of a friendship has no comparison with any other, that although there are different ways of loving, in friendship it becomes one. That's when you understand that it's not just about being there in the good times, but when you can't even be there for yourself. Those days where it's hard to get out of bed, where it's hard to face reality and you just want to stay in one place. My friendships have been the most precious thing that has come to me, even though my family are the ones responsible for being present at all times, I can firmly say that my friends are loyal when I need them, they hug me, they give me their best words of comfort, they share the same anger for the person who hurt me. Together we have the same purpose and that is that a broken heart can heal, no matter how hard the process may be.
Clearly I've had people whose company I loathe, people who are only there for their convenience and needs. But let's face it, we've all at one time or another approached someone for a benefit, it's just not worth it at this point. I lived with so much fear and insecurities because of past issues, being able to have someone around me who will listen to me and not be bothered by my WhatsApp audios venting, passing on my spite. It's hard to believe, it's even hard for me to assimilate that I'm not really a nuisance. I have lived with so many insecurities that talking about my problems became an infrequent habit so as not to bother. I was the friend who listened to everyone, who knew how to be there unconditionally, but I never said what was inside me, I faced my internal problems alone in order to remain loyal.
At the moment I am going through a rejection that is still difficult to accept. The simple fact that a person with just one message saying goodbye to me, broke my heart in a thousand pieces. I didn't know how to react, I couldn't believe what my eyes were reading. It seemed to me an act of complete cowardice for not saying the reality of feelings face to face. If I am honest with you, I am not judging, as I have also found myself in that situation, that situation of not wanting to say something that I know will hurt, that I know will hurt someone I love. I keep waiting for a response from all of this, I keep wanting a real conversation, no reservations, just honesty. I may not get it, it may be a waste of time waiting for something I know won't come, still, my mind is not ready to go on my way without the answers I so badly want to find.
Despite being a socially open person, a small part of me is still wary of giving 100% without being betrayed. I want to tell you about a friend who is the main reason for this writing, Yndhira. Yndhira came to me at the least unexpected moment, at the beginning our shyness did not allow us to get close, even our conversations were punctual, they did not go beyond a "How are you? Neither of us dared to say anything else. The moment came when life said: "I must bring these two women together" and so it was. One night the conversation just flowed smoothly, we were a big group but we were able to narrow it down to two people, her and me. I must admit I thought we weren't going to say anything more to each other after that long conversation, that it was just going to be a nice moment and that was it, well clearly it wasn't, we became friends right away. I needed someone to give me reasons to go on, even with sadness, a friend to listen to me in the worst moments, a friend to laugh and cry, a friend to make me understand that I am not alone in this cruel world. I went to her house, she has a clothing store and what better than the sincerity of a friend to buy new clothes? I told her about what was happening to me and at the same time she was my "personal shopper", an incredible afternoon that ended in the best way. In the evening, we decided to go out for a while, my friends knew I was having a hard time and wanted to totally distract me. I couldn't hold back the tears, I kept telling them that I was happy to have them in my life, it's not just about having company, it's about feeling in a safe place. My friends became that safe place where I like to be when everything gets cloudy. I hope to get over all this pain soon, get up and move on, I no longer think the same way I did before, I no longer have that toxicity by my side that dragged me to failure, I am sure that this new adversity is the beginning of new and good ways.
Esta nueva semana me animo a empezar de nuevo, cambiar todo eso que no me gusta y de no poder hacerlo, aceptarlo. Lograr superar todos mis miedos y todas las trapas. Hoy poder dar el primer paso aunque cueste, aunque dude, que hoy con mucha fuerza, decida ser feliz. Empezar de nuevo es olvidarse de todo aquello que no salió bien y animarse a intentarlo de nuevo, es trabajar para poder sacar tus miedos del camino, es empezar a confiar en tu poder de cambiar tu vida, es decidir con todas tus fuerzas que vas a poder ser feliz. Seguimos viviendo en un mundo donde el futuro cada vez se vuelve más incierto, no podemos controlarlo, pero me haré cargo de mi presente para poder brillar en el futuro.
This new week I encourage myself to start again, to change everything I don't like and if I can't do it, to accept it. To overcome all my fears and all my traps. Today to be able to take the first step even if it costs, even if I doubt, that today with a lot of strength, I decide to be happy. To start again is to forget everything that did not go well and to dare to try again, is to work to get your fears out of the way, is to start to trust in your power to change your life, is to decide with all your strength that you will be able to be happy. We continue to live in a world where the future is becoming more and more uncertain, we cannot control it, but I will take charge of my present to be able to shine in the future.