Surprising "Discovery" From a "Leftover" 2012 Magazine

in Daily Blog11 months ago

I suddenly remembered to check if I had any magazine left that I didn't throw away. Particularly I hoped for a certain title to still be around under the side table.

You see early last year or even in 2022 I started decluttering. Plenty of paper stuff also got disposed of.

Most of my books and comics were sold online while the pile of magazines were given to the trash lady. We used to have someone from the local government who comes around to collect and organize trash. And so I gave the remaining paper items to her so she can dispose of them at any junk yard.

Too heavy if I was to take them to the nearest one. Tried that once and carried kilos of it. Eventually I decided I'd never do such again. Haha.

Anyway are you familiar with Kerygma magazine? I discovered this wonderful reading material more than a decade ago. I never knew it existed until someone gave me some.

Magazine cover of the only Kerygma magazine I have left.

So today I saw this is the only one remaining out of several I used to have. I'm actually sad that I included this title to those I threw away. Didn't know I'd be going through a spiritual renewal last year. Ugh. 🙄 😂

Could have just donated them to the public library instead. At least it could have helped more people with their problems when they read what's inside. siiiigh

Well, no point crying over spilled milk, as they say. I still have this one and boy does it have something I only learned last year! Wow I don't even remember reading this.

Look at this narration from one of the magazine articles:

Part of the article Trusting God Through the Pain by Connie Velasco as told to Lella M. Velasco. Kerygma No. 263, Vol. 22, April 2012.

Sounds familiar? Do you remember what I wrote about this topic last year? Haha. If you haven't read the two posts, here you go:

I'm surprised I never even realized this even back then. More than a decade ago I read this magazine and yet I only learned about such a thought last year! What the heck right? 😆

If only I didn't dispose of those Kerygma magazines. This is me feeling happy to find such a gem and somewhat sad too that I never knew about this earlier. Now I'm sharing it again just so you won't have any regrets like I did. 😁

Really, a lukewarm cradle Christian life is such a waste. 😅 I'm sad it seems I never even really read that article before. Of course I was also going through something in our family at the time I got this. Since I could remember I had no idea about offering my suffering to God for the sake of other people! Not even the person who gave me the magazines ever told me anything about it.

But all is not lost you know. God is super loving and eternally merciful that He allows past hurts to be offered up as well! How do I know? Take the case of Ms. Nova Villa as she shared in an episode of Tastetimony. Oh boy she really has a great testimony about what God can do when we offer up our suffering. ❤️ Glory to God in the highest! 🙏

The good news is, I found out it's still available up to now! Hurray! It has been rebranded into Feast though. Wow. 😀

Brother Bo's Facebook post about the rebranded magazine name. | Screenshot source

I checked the website too and oh the link is still alive. Haha. I'm happy to find out it still exists to this day. ❤️ Seeing this article, the social media post and the website just made my day complete.

What a joy to read about articles of hope and faith even from a decade or so ago to this day. I pray whatever hardship you're going through right now will help you and your family to grow spiritually too. 🙏

Do you also have magazines like this locally? Have you read any Kerygma issue before? What do you think about it?

I haven't seen any Feast one yet but apparently it can be bought at the Kerygma Family website. Awesome! ❤️ Happy Easter indeed. Christ is risen! Alleluia! ✝️ 🙏



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© Art x Stephanie Rue / Lucy StephanieWritten by @artgirl for

@artgirl is a freelance writer/blogger/artist, online seller, real estate agent and Manulife financial adviser.

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Wow! I'm really glad I'm not the only one who kind of experience this.

There are books that I have read say about 3 years back, recently I had to pick some up, and I was like so much values!

Did I really read this?

I'm glad you found this amongst many other that you had to throw away.

It's surprising when it happens right? 😆 I appreciate your comment too! Probably we tend to focus and see other things after experiencing more of life. Haha.