hahahaha I don't know why you say creepy hahaha I think you know me very well!
I plan to go to a cemetery hahahaha just to visit! hahahaha
hahahaha I don't know why you say creepy hahaha I think you know me very well!
I plan to go to a cemetery hahahaha just to visit! hahahaha
Where did I say creepy?
Oh, a cemetery? I like those visits :))
I will sue the translator🤣
If there is a historical cemetery... I think Picasso is there... and it's almost Carnival! I have a lot to photograph hahaha
It seems that it is San Miguel cemetery in Málaga. If you go, enjoy the stroll through it 😉
And there is a park nearby. Plus... there are night tours!!! Great to see ghosts... well I don't know if I'll see them, I think I will and I can chat with them.🤣
ay ay aaaaay
chat with the ghosts...?
will you be back in Hive?
Of course that's what the community of zonadeescalofrio.... is for, I have to tell what happened hahaha, I'll be back for sure! hahaha
I'm really crazy, I'm attracted to cemeteries.🤣