Do you know that ‘after school or after work’ kind of hunger that you just want to gulp the bowl of eba and soup down your stomach without having to cut it in bits, as should be?
With that mental fatigue of not wanting to pass through the process and the imagination that the food will just sit pretty in your stomach, how many times has it ever happened that way? None!
Yes, it will never happen like that because by the yard, it is hard but inch by inch, anything is a cinch.
You will still have to wash your hands, cut the eba, mould it to your convenient size, put it in your soup, take it all the way to your mouth, savour the taste of the soup and swallow it.
One ball at a time, you repeat the process and you're filled. You quench your hunger and move on to doing other things.
So, as you go about your business this week, stop imagining gulping down all your tasks at once. You are not Merlin. Take it one step at a time, and you will be surprised at how productive you will be at the end of the day.
In the words of Confucius, ‘A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step’.
Until we meet again, keep being productive.
A type of Nigerian meal made from processed cassava. It's usually eaten with a variety of soups.