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RE: An Eventful Saturday

in Daily Blog4 months ago

Hello Amiga 👋 Yes I kind of got hooked on street art recently. I really enjoy looking at them and seeing/trying to see their meaning.

Oh I was a good student in College now High School I had my spurts, jaja. I seen the Biology book and it brought me back how much I disliked it and the particular teachers I didnt care for that taught that subject. Math, History and of course shop classes I really enjoyed 😉

Son is doing well with academics and basketball but he had some doubts not long ago. As a father I had to give him some positive influence to look foward and not back.

Have a great rest of your day there. Peace ✌️ and !LUV


It always happens, we all have our doubts as we go along the way. The important thing is that he can count on you and you are very close to him.

Amigo, I send you a hug.

Thank you Amiga at times we need others guidance and suggestions. Your hug is well received 🤗