Good evening #hive friends, I hope you are well, I send you a big virtual hug and may Almighty God bless you always.
Buenas noches amigos de #hive, espero estén bien, les mando un gran abrazo virtual y que Dios todo poderoso les bendiga siempre.
Today I want to tell you how my house is going with its new remodeling, a year ago my husband and I bought a house which had many details, but that's how we decided to buy it and then do some remodeling, little by little we bought material and made changes within reach , building a house in these times is difficult since the economy of the country does not help but wanting is power and I will always have the goal of having a very nice house, I am very grateful to #hive because financially I have had my rewards and I have been able to improve my house.
Hoy quiero contarles cómo va mi casa con su nueva remodelación, hace un año mi esposo y yo compramos una casa la cual tenía muchos detalles, pero así decidimos comprarla para luego hacerle algunas remodelaciones, poco a poco hemos comprado material e ir haciendo cambios al alcance, contruir una casa en estos tiempos es difícil ya que la economía del país no ayuda pero querer es poder y siempre tendré el objetivo de tener una casita bien bonita, agradezco mucho a #hive porque económicamente he tenido mis recompensas y he podido mejorar mi casa.
For this work we need the collaboration of many people who were very supportive at the time, a friend came with his tools and they cut the tubes that held the corridor fabric, the idea was to block off that part to have more privacy and security, which What I did not count was that in that week everyone got sick with a strong virus, for which my husband and I had to get down to work and start the work, we went in stages, a wall each day in total there were 3 days of work very hard, the blows and the fatigue were noticeable but I felt completely fulfilled because I am fulfilling one of my dreams.
Para este trabajo necesitamos colaboración de muchas personas que al momento fueron de gran apoyo, un amigo vino con sus herramientas y cortaron los tubos que sostenían la tela de el corredor, la idea fue cerrar con bloques esa parte para tener más privacidad y seguridad, lo que no contaba era que en esa semana todos enfermaron con un fuerte virus, por lo cual mi esposo y yo tuvimos que ponernos manos a la obra y comenzar con el trabajo, fuimos por etapas, una pared cada día en total fueron 3 días de trabajo muy duro, los golpes y el cansancio se notaba pero me sentía completamente realizada pues estoy cumpliendo uno de mis sueños.
We must never give up on what we long for, little by little we will achieve it.
Nunca debemos desistir a aquello que anhelamos, poco a poco lo lograremos.
Congratulations on your success. There is no point in giving up, the best is yet to come.
Thank you so much, my dear friend @ordosjc 🤗