Busy activities today: teaching to meetings in School

in Daily Bloglast month

As usual, my mornings are occupied with cooking in the kitchen to prepare breakfast and also provisions for school. Waking up at 5.30 am, sometimes still makes me reluctant to leave the bed. Because I also sleep late at night. Almost 24:00. However, because my work has to go in the morning, so even though I'm lazy I have to force myself to get up.

After finishing preparing breakfast and also provisions for my meals at school, I immediately showered and got ready to go to work. Today's agenda at Budi Utomo Kindergarten is the arrival of the Jepara Regional Education Office, Mr. Sukiyo. After all the work preparation sessions have been done, at 08.00 is my time to teach Mandarin in Jassmine's class.

Today's the topic is about the 4 magic words, namely: Sorry, Excuse me, Please and Thank you. The language I teach is about the basic stage, not yet the writing stage. At 8.30 Mr. Sukiyo, the Way Jepara Education Office came to visit, while the Mandarin lesson was still in progress. After visiting 3 classes of Budi Utomo Kindergarten: Rosse, Jassmine and also Lavender, Mr. Korwil also invited a photo with all Budi Utomo Kindergarten students.

Mandarin Class in Kindegarten

The children were so enthusiastic about taking photos with the teachers and Mr. Korwil, after the photo together the teachers and children went back to their respective classes to continue learning. I then moved to Rosse class, where the students in this class are mostly 4 years old. They are still very small and cute with their mood swings they are sometimes diligent and also sometimes lazy to learn.

It has been less than a month since I taught Mandarin to Budi Utomo Kindergarten students, and the experience has been amazing. Where teaching them does require extraordinary patience. At their age they are still active and want to try anything. It takes knowledge of children's cognitive and motoric growth, to be able to handle interesting learning, so that students are not bored.

Budi Utomo School is a new school that is part of SMK Budi Utomo, currently we have 3 classes for kindergarten, but in July we will open for pre-school and also primary school. Where the one who will hold the elementary school later as curriculum coordinator is me. Huahh... of course it will require extra time and energy. Hopefully, until I become a CC, I can still be active on this blog. So that I can share stories about our activities.

After teaching three classes in turn, I finally finished teaching Mandarin today. Every time I finish teaching, I get extremely dehydrated. Because I have to make a lot of noise while teaching, but this is part of the work that I am currently doing. So I am still doing it happily, hopefully this work will provide blessings and benefits as well as generosity of sustenance and my success in the future.

today's school work is finished, then go home and do homework. Struggling with the kitchen and the food menu served to my husband and children. Thank you for reading and supporting this content.

Welcome to Etty's Small Corner Hive Blog.

@ettydiallova, an Indonesian woman who loves to read and write. Her daily life is always busy with positive and productive things, from teaching and creating content. .

Contak Person: E-mail: [email protected] II Discord: Etty Diallova#9230.


আজকে সারা দিন আপনে আপনার বিদ্যালয়ে সকলের সাথে ব্যস্ততম সময় পার করেছেন। আশা করি আপনারা সবাই আন্তরিক ভাবে কাজ করেন এবং বাচ্চাদেরকে বোঝান। পোষ্টটা পড়ে আমার বেশ ভালো লেগেছে। আপনার জন্য শুভ কামনা