in Daily Blog2 years ago


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Hello good morning community!
This is my first post here on Daily Blog

Today I am going to share with you one of the experiences I had in college.

I have a subject in the faculty called Multimedia Language, where they gave us a group work to carry out "ALHEPS AL FUTURO" this futuristic work had to be thought of and carried out somewhere in the city of La Plata (Capital of the province of Buenos Aires ).
For this work we had to investigate a theme and observe how it is now in the present and imagine it in the future, as in an ideal future

My group and I had the theme of multiculturalism, and the theme of this was Relations between communities - Borders between countries - Dissolution of conflicts - Without Borders - Continental modification - Supercontinent - coexistence between borders - Proposal of life of nature.


Representing multiculturalism

In the future of La Plata, the notion of how the multiculturalism of the various nationalities of South America that are present in the city today will be deepened. Currently, the problem is that diversity is not sufficiently visible and, in some cases, the few attempts to show it are outdated: many times only ephemeral festive events and the creation of non-interactive and innovative monuments are used.

The celebration of festivities, acts and similar cultural activities are often not enough for the migrant person to feel represented, so by addressing this issue we intend to take this symbolic experience further, being able to transport their culture to our environment through the transformation and constant updating of a new type of monuments, thus showing its convergence with other different cultures, generating a much more enriching environment for all.



Our final idea is the following, in the present, we see a great diversity of immigrants established in the city, but their representation, in many cases, ends up being partial and presents problems for immigrants, who are not reflected one hundred percent in movements social, political groups, institutions, among others, so they usually have a self-managed organization for cultural events. These cultural events often lack a more immersive character as an experience in their way of operating, for some people the events are not enough to feel that they make their culture present, or they only present a culture of which they are a part and not others, causing do not feel completely identified.




For this reason, we think of a future where identities are present at the chosen point of the city. The environment is identity for each individual with their own nationality, so some of their most important customs will be represented, which may change and mix with other cultures of the people present, allowing the reality of the links between people from different locations, interacting with each other.

As this whole project had to be installed somewhere in the city, we consider that the Garden of Peace represents our idea in a great way,


Here I tell you a little about the narrative of this project and how to interact with it.

The user arrives at the garden of peace guided by garlands of lights and pennants, which represent the South American countries that are part of the installation. Through these elements, the user will be guided towards the center of the monument where a concrete sphere is located, which is located next to the stage stairs inside the monument, alluding to a world map due to its shape and layout.
On the other hand, the TUI is positioned outside the stage, on the ground, being located in front of the sphere. This is made up of a trunk that is currently split and in the future will be found as a new tree that has been born and flourished thanks to the fruit of interculturality.

The trunk takes on a solid symbolism in relation to this interculturality, metaphorizing the roots that expand in the earth, just as cultures in the past have established their groups and have prospered in the same territory, thus symbolically representing the action of "take root" every time the subjects settle somewhere.
On the surface of the trunk, the user will find a map of South America which contains ten trees, each one with the function of representing its country through its national flower and in turn a root that starts from Argentina as a point where in the future all cultures converge. The user will make use of this root as a method of union between the different cultures of South America.

The states that the experience goes through are explained below:

Initial State: In this state the TUI is at rest, the free trees without being joined, and the root ready for the user to use it. The presentation of the beginning of the experience will be placed on the sphere as an introduction.

Intermediate state: The user begins to unite with the root the different trees that represent the countries of South America. The union of these trees makes different cultural events emerge on the sphere that chronologically hold great meanings of each culture in relation to Argentina.

Final state: Once the user joins all the trees with the root, the experience ends with the fruit of a new flower which is born from the fusion of different cultures.


The process of this whole project







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Well this was a bit of my college project, I hope you like it 😊


Wow😯 , I didn’t think multimedia language would involve all this you know. When I heard it at first what entered my mind was just pictures and getting the best picture possible until I read the post.

Well am glad I did and I must commend your detail explanation of what the project is all about.

hey thank you very much!, if at first you imagine other things when listening to Multimedia Language, but well here you see me doing these great projects, sometimes we also get 3D jobs. 😄