Creaky Carcass Contemplations

in Daily Blog2 months ago


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I love to move. So it also means that I love exercise! Yep, I was one of those kids who adored P.E., ran everywhere I went, and did sports year round in school. To be in movement meant I was a happy Kat.

I still move a lot, but holy reverberating ouch does aging a bit combined with autoimmune disease make movement a bit more, well excruciating.

I don't let a little discomfort stop me ever, but the soreness I am feeling one week into Valkyrie training is no joke. This morning's session was H.I.P. which stands for High Intensity Pilates. I also think it could stand for High Intensity Prostrating as I often wanted to sprawl on the floor as I was holding myself in the required poses, weights in hand, doing the dreaded pulsing.

But, I know the soreness will lessen (hopefully), and if there's one thing I have practice with, it's pain. I mean, I am in pretty intense, deep pain all the time, so what's a little more? Especially if it means I get to regain my kickboxing physique again.


The button my dear friend got me for Christmas says it, so it must be so...right?

Here's the thing though, I have noticed something. Each year older I get, I am getting a little more kinder to this form of mine. I'm one of those creatures who will push to failure, then get up, and go harder. I don't like to quit. It's what made me love sports so much. You push past what limits you.

However, when one is afflicted with autoimmune fun, part of the reason you can have it is due to pushing yourself all the time when you should have rested, or at least been a bit kind to yourself.

So now, now I check in with the ol' form and make sure I am pushing in a healthy way. As a medium-aged soul, I have a lot of life left to live (hopefully), and I want to care for my carcass in a way that shows just how grateful I am to get to do such things. I also want to be able to run, jump, leap, and out push-up my grandkids eventually.

But right now, right now I would appreciate a bit of a reprieve from the scorching, reverberating pain that is wracking my body. Just a little bit.

Thank the snow covered ground that I have access to such things as creatine, red light, and a nice soaking tub. As the old saying says, it could always be worse.

And really, each time I want to grumble on the inside, I am reminded of why I am engaging in this particular program, I am being there for a friend. Going through a bit of discomfort is nothing if you are doing it in the service of supporting others, so with that thought in mind, I haul myself out of bed every morning and get cracking.

Plus, the whole thing has had an extra element of fun as I have to dodge pets while I workout. Nothing enlivens the day like getting a burnout done on your torso when you are in tabletop position or having your toes bitten by an insolent feline when you are doing curls.

Good times.


The only creature who hasn't massacred me mid routine thus far, bless her and her strangely shaped head and benevolent soul

And on that note I will leave this missive. I hope you all are crushing your goals, whether they be new, old, or ongoing. Life has its setbacks and challenges, but to be honest, I don't think it would be as fulfilling if it didn't.

Well, I could use a bit less of the toe-biting, but other than that, all is well...

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's really rather adept at airplaying workout videos on the big TV iPhone.


Who needs goat yoga when you have cats and dogs interfering?

!BBH and !BEER may be in order!

Pilates with Pets makes me want more than one beer for sure, thanks JT 😆


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I'm doing chair exercise at the senior Center and some days it really wipes me out, like yesterday. I couldn't imagine, even back at your age, doing what you are doing...

Hey, I think it's awesome when anyone can do what they can do! I'm not gonna say that this isn't causing me some discomfort, but it isn't beyond what I can handle either, and you can bet I will adapt my schedule if I see it's gonna cause any sort of autoimmune relapse! Right now though, it's working, I'm just a ball of sore lol!😊

It's absolutely dumping the snow here, are you all still super cold back yonder?


It just warmed up a bit today. Some snow tomorrow morning…

All I know about being active and elderly is that I am besties with my Ibuprofen bottle. Wonder if they make it in an IV drip? 😆

Ooh, Anti-inflammatory assisted activities!! AAA LOL LOL!

I'm sure they do, and thanks for giving me that to look forward to OGP!


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I was never into sports, and I hated P.E. Going for a walk is my idea of exercise. Unfortunately,due to weather and/or road conditions, I can only do that 2 or 3 months out of the year unless I drive somewhere else to do it.