Thank you so much! She really is something lol, I hope I am moving around half as well as she does when I get to that age for sure!
Our anniversary was awesome, I have a bunch of posts lined up reporting on our adventures in celebration, but I have to say, my absolute favorite part was just pausing and taking a bit of a break, I really needed it. That said, I missed all of my Hive and Listnerds peeps bunches, so I am glad to be back.
Hope you all had the most glorious weekend!
Haha, I'm quite sure you have your grans genes as you are a busy bee yourself! Good to read you are taking a step back and building in some rest though!
But when you're not here, you are missed! :)
We had a quiet weekend, all three of us are still having a little cold, nothing too serious though, but a little annoying mostly. Trying to shake off the last parts myself, this is always the same lol, school starts and kid brings home some virus :)
She has a long weekend this week though so that's nice..
Have a good week! <3