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RE: Back to Tutoring & A Day In The Life Lately...

in Daily Blog2 months ago

In another topic,I am delusional about money because I believe it is everywhere.

Ha, I love this phrasing here. Honestly, I tend to feel the same and am wondering if it's something that resourceful people are prone to? MAybe money isn't everywhere (that seems to be the general consensus anyway) but when you know yourself to find ways, as you yourself pointed out, you tend to trust you're gonna find one this time around. :)

Good luck with teaching, I hope it doesn't get too stressful and that you get to enjoy it! :)


MAybe money isn't everywhere

I could never subscribe to that idea. I grew up helping my mom ever since I was a kid and our family was the entrepreneurial kind. So, I was raised to see that money is everywhere 🤣 I could see a stump and I know ways to turn that stump into money. It's really helpful life lessons and makes you feel less attached to material things.

Although I have to admit, growing up I was shamed of this because my peers weren't that supportive. My only problem is that I got easily influenced by my closest friend and they could tell me all sorts of things and I would believe it. Just like that time, one of them told me, " only the stupid people study and a genius kid would never have to" so, I spent many years of not studying, while I still did great, I could certainly do better with studying 🤣

I thoroughly enjoy educating people and exposing them to something new. Though with children, I'd give it up and I'd prefer to leave the room😅