Pipe dreams blown by the wind

in Daily Blog2 years ago

It's good to believe that at some point in your life, the time will come when the moments you have dreamed about will start to happen and you will get the chance to design your life exactly the way you wanted. It is even better to believe that the time to make your dreams come true is happening right now and that waiting doesn't make much sense.

And even if you think that time to make your dreams come true will never come, don't think twice because it might already be happening while you are dreaming.

There are people who do not wait for their dreams to come true, but dream everyday. They are living their dreams. One such person is the main character of the movie Pipe dreams, from 1968, which after 55 years, thanks to the company I work for, was restored and premiered tonight.


While watching the movie, I felt proud that we managed to give new colors and new life to an old movie that is worth saving from oblivion.


The actor who plays the main role in the movie, Mija Aleksic, was born 100 years ago, so the movie was restored in his honor. It is about a man who dreams big dreams in his ordinary life and does not give up on them, but on the contrary, enjoys them and intertwines them with his reality.


While watching the movie, I was moved by the scenes of my city, Belgrade, from the time when I was not born. I felt the old town spirit and charm, and the fact that through the movie I walked the streets in my imagination and entered the shops as if it were real, means that the restoration of the movie was quite successful.


The premiere film screening was held on the roof of the Home of the Army of Serbia. Everything was well organized. At the entrance, we received large boxes of popcorn and what's especially good, both the popcorn and the entrance tickets, were free, so I felt very grateful.


With positive vibes before the start of the movie, I took the opportunity to photograph the stunning view of my city from above.


I enjoyed the views because I especially love my city at night.


And when I thought that I would watch the movie to the end in the very pleasant atmosphere of the summer outdoor cinema and find out what happened to the main character's dreams, something unexpected happened. The wind started blowing so strong that the film screening had to be stopped. People quickly started to go out because the wind made it very cold and a storm was brewing.


But still, I saw a lot of smiles and sparkle in people's eyes. It seems that many are ready to start or continue to dream.

Although I did not find out what happened to the main character's dreams, I left the cinema with positive feelings, inspired to continue dreaming, and who knows, maybe the wind will take my dreams exactly where they should be.


Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.




Looking pretty Jelena ☺️
You're right, who knows? The wind might do the magic and make your dreams come true hehe

🌟🤗 nice to see/read you!

I also believe that that long-awaited moment has to come at some point, you just have to know how to wait and enjoy life while it happens
I appreciate that you have shared the experience that you lived during and after seeing the movie
have a nice dayHello dear friend @jelenaa good day

As always a beautiful blog.
Congrats my friend on keeping fying on this platform.
Anyway ,you look so pretty or gwapa in our dialect😍😍😍

Thank you very much in advance and have a nice day :)Hello @jelenaa, excuse me for the time I ask you. I met an account on Blurt with the same name and image profile as you. Is it you or a fake account?

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