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RE: Back to work, another year.

in Daily Blog3 months ago

He notado que ahora ya casi no se ven mariposas. En mi niñez recuerdo que en esta época del año eran algo común. Con formas y colores diferentes, teníamos para escoger. Recuerdo hasta una vez que dentro de la casa una oruga hizo el capullo y lo estuvimos vigilando para ver el momento en que la mariposa salía. Entonces no teníamos celulares con cámaras que todo lo documentan. 🤪

Pero todo ha cambiado significativamente con respecto a la naturaleza que nos rodea. ☹️

Quise comentar solo sobre las buenas cosas de tu post y noto que terminé arruinándolo al inmiscuir el cambio climático en el asunto. 🤷

Yo también regresé al trabajo (al estatal) el lunes. Me encontré "mariposones" esperando por mí 😂😂😂 No, en serio, siempre hay alegría en el regreso...

Seguiremos encontrándonos por aquí, no te pierdas 😉 🌻


couldn't help but laugh at your comment, I have to do a little readjusting with the exchange schedules here at Hive, I'm way out of date..😐😂

As for climate change and butterflies, I don't know if it was an age thing, but it had been many years since I had seen so many together, and in courtship, they were two by two, will butterflies be monogamous...maybe yes, because they have a short life cycle.

I remember in kindergarten, when I was 6 years old, I was chasing a lot of butterflies, how-weird, I seem to have been impressed, because now, as you say, they do not look like that any more.

Job 1 started on Monday, job two, thirteen a week is permanent and job three, Hive, is the end there is always little time left.

Aren't we supposed to work less as we get older?
In my case it is the opposite, and that of most Cubans.

I'm going to update with Hive, I feel like I got lost for 48 hours.

Thanks @leopard0
