My internship experience so far

in Daily Bloglast year

Hello friends👋
Great to be back here again.!

How's the second month of 2024 treating you guys?
Well for me, I can say February has taught me a lot😅 already
So I just got my first salary as an intern
Yeah if you remember I mentioned it in my introductory article see here
For those of you haven't read it check my profile and follow me if you appreciate my works and so we can be friends

This article is me sharing with y'all my 1 month experience as an intern This just me narrating a piece of my life as best as i remember and can write no special/professional writing experience or techniques used
My memory is not so great😂 so the article might look more like a week's experience. alright..
Finding a company wasn't all that easy. I went to at least 2 places before I found where I currently work I got to know of this place by a family friend
I went there on my birthday which is on the 8th of January so I knew it would either be good luck or bad.. I'm glad it turned out to be the former, I was accepted. actually the crux of acceptance is actually on me but i didn't really have much choice as the other preferred places weren't hiring.

The Experience
So far not so bad, my work experience has been more educating than challenging if that's a W I'm not sure, one of the benefits I would like to mention since I started working is how it has helped improve my social/communication skills as an introvert I'm usually very anti-social, social activities tend to raise my anxiety and depression levels. I get really awkward around people and I love being in my own space (like a ghost) I can't tell exactly when this condition or can I say habit of mine started, but I've been that way for as long as i can remember, probably a topic to expatiate on for another day..
So back to my internship; compulsorily working interacting with other employees has made me somewhat come out of "my shell" even though deep down I know I'm mostly faking it- the jokes the laughs, the conversations (i do enjoy a bit tho) but this 1 month+ period is probably the most I've gotten my whole life, i might be exaggerating a bit but its not far from the truth trust me and I give myself a pat on the back sometimes at my ability to adjust & adapt.

Another important thing to give thanks to the internship so far is the technical skills I've gathered by first-hand observations, practice and more especially teachings&corrections from my fore-colleagues which I'm grateful to, yeah those guys could be a pin in the ass sometimes but they're incredible and I remembered my 1st day the warm welcome they gave me 'twas also the day they told me about their "non-compulsory" protocols for new employees which was more like a tradition, of buying drinks and some light snack presenting the to them to formally seek their acceptance and guidance😅

I fulfilled my obligation on the 1st of this month though I wasn't present, that was also my 1st day off😅 (wasn't feeing too well)
But to my surprise the next week when I resumed work they kept my own share of the snack (a biscuit) for me i told you they're incredible😅
Where I'm from, tradition is well respected no matter the form and it's by all means necessary to be in good terms with everyone you're associating with on a daily basis, especially those above you..a message I clearly understood.

Well now I'm glad I'm not more the "last-born" as we have a new employee who resumed last week, a lady I call her 'evangelist'😅 and she has already been duly briefed on the existing "modus operandis" of the section yeah i almost forgot this "tradition" is peculiar to our unit the electric/mechanical unit(so I heard)

At some point it looks like a family as it should be but whether it really is, is subjective more likely not than is now because of the poor renumeration given to workers in this harsh economy
It's really unbelievable to see people working 10hrs/day 6days a week to earn less than $30 monthly more so an "Engineering firm" and this is even what the full staff are earning don't bother asking what I'm paid you'd laugh your asses out if you find out🥲😂
I'm looking to hear from you my friends of your own similar work experiences if any..feel free to connect with me in the comments let me know how the write up up was and thanks for reading once again
I hope you do Have an awesome week ahead it'll be really awesome for me if Nigeria comes home with the #AFCON23 trophy after their final match today😄❤️👍