A handful of worthless coins?

in Daily Bloglast month


A few days ago one of my students, after I told him that he had to look and read the notes in advance and of course coordinate his left and right hands, said that he was not able to do that. For him, it's multitasking and only women can do it.

Well, I don't think that generalization is quite accurate. Is it really so determined by gender? Isn't our consciousness and our will that prompts us, and our desire to be efficient? Isn't that a clear goal that gives us energy and a sharp mind? I don't understand why it would always be predestined for women, and why men would be excluded from that ability.

Anyway... In the last six days, I have experienced what it is like to live alone. Nothing new actually, I lived alone for eight years when I attended high school and college. It was a cool period, which certainly had its difficulties, but I remember it with joy. Now, when I was alone for a few days, I felt strange. Coincidentally, my husband went to Hive Fest, and the very next day my son went to Valencia, that is, he moved there for his studies. I was in wonder - What is this? All this freedom but I feel lost, and I am terribly bored!?

I had a lot of things to do, but as you saw, I knew how to procrastinate, and how to play the piano (yes, in the end, I successfully finished the things I wanted to sort out). What I noticed was that it was hard for me to motivate myself to cook lunch for myself. So I didn't.

Don't ask.

Hats off to everyone who lives alone and has the will to cook for themselves every day.

But today I made up for all the days I didn't cook. Today, I have prepared several dishes for my son to have for the next few days because in the evening I will go to pick up my husband from the airport and on the way I will take all this food to my son. That's how easily motivation can return and multitasking can flourish.

To get an idea of the level of my today's multitasking - at the same time, I was doing the laundry, and the grocery, having phone calls arranging meetings for some stuff, cooking and thinking about lessons and work. The grocery part here plays an interesting part... So, I went to the supermarket and bought a pack of meat, carrots, milk, bread and a pack of crushed tomatoes. I would prepare meatballs in tomato sauce and green pea stew with meat and carrots. I vaguely remembered having frozen green peas in the freezer so I didn't buy that.

The bill was 13€ and 11 cents. At the cash register, my card was rejected because I didn't have enough funds on it so I took out the only banknote from my wallet which was destined to fill the car with fuel. The car also has to eat something if I want to get to Valencia tonight. Oh, how I don't like it when they return my change in small coins, but that's how it happened. When we get these worthless coins we just empty our wallets and leave them in one place and over the years many appear but we never spend them; as who will accept a sack of 1 or 2 cents for a product you buy? They became waste, unfortunately...

At home, when I was chopping the onion and the carrots, cutting the meat, boiling the rice and mincing the other pack of meat I looked in the freezer. It was empty 😳, just a few ice cubes and three ice creams were looking at me from the frozen place.

Ok, back to the supermarket.

I took the coins I got today as change and grabbed more of those that were piling up in one corner. Revenge 😂 - I decided that I would use them to pay for that one pack of frozen green peas that I needed. I thought it cost about 1€ and a few cents over that. So, I am at the cash register again, the saleswoman may recognize me as I was here already today, but it doesn't matter. She says 1€ 60 cents. I pull out a handful of coins and count them! 1€ and 61 cents. How did this happen that I had just the right amount of these little worthless coins (ok, I had 1 cent more but anyway!) for the missing ingredient?

Sometimes the invisible accountant arranges everything in our daily lives, we just have to harmonize with it. Oh, and I still have the rest of the change to give the car the needed fuel. :D




When we get these worthless coins we just empty our wallets and leave them in one place and over the years many appear but we never spend them; as who will accept a sack of 1 or 2 cents for a product you buy? They became waste, unfortunately...

And we empty our pockets and wallets of coins, put them in an empty box of Nutrla cream, and once or twice a year, I take that pile of coins, sometimes even a whole kilogram, to a nearby market and pay my bill with them.
when the saleswoman looks at me, I tell her "I washed the windows of cars at traffic lights, this is my tip" 😁

Money is money, whether it's a coin, banknote or electronic. I didn't steal it and when I pay, even with the smallest denominations, I'm not ashamed(maybe it's a little bit that I'm making a fuss and extra work for the saleswoman😁).


I see we are not the only ones who do this. Yes, it is our money we earned but got back as a change in this form 🤷‍♀. Hahaha, good idea to say that it was earned while washing the windshields of the cars hahaha

My son had a piggy bank so collected also many coins but happened the same - never really used them as it is frowned upon to take all those coins to pay. Well, it is time to use them, today again - tough times 😂 although I guess the other customers will hate me for waiting in line while we count the coins on the cash register 🤣

We don't have it in Serbia, but I've seen cash registers abroad (in stores and at gas stations), which have a "funnel" into which you pour coins and it counts them out, takes the amount of the bill. a great thing to reduce the crowd and get rid of change quickly.

I also had one such piggy bank, I used to put 1e coin in it, every time I cursed - that was my wife's punishment.
You probably know, to us, swearing is like "good day" 😆
And at the end of the year, we went on a trip to a nearby town with that money.
The trip was not cheap... tolls, fuel, coffee, lunch, cakes, bar... So imagine how many swear words I uttered during that year 😅

So imagine how many swear words I uttered during that year 😅


It's something that is said a lot, women are multitaskers because they relate everything to everything, women's brains are different... I'll leave it there. This does not mean that there are no multitasking men hahaha.

It often happens that of the coins... you know what I do? I give them to the Chinese man in the fruit shop, they always need them... I worked in a Chinese fruit shop a few years ago hahahaha

Freedom time.... how nice, you know I used to love living alone hahaha and cooking for myself! I know I have to cook my three favourite meals... wait for it to get colder, otherwise I won't be able to eat them hahaha

This does not mean that there are no multitasking men hahaha.

hahaha, they certainly exist but it is indeed women who are considered better at this task. Well, not always happen, as my case showed

Today I will not cook anything, and my husband is back, we arrived really late so sorry for the late response. I have lunch prepared already yesterday for today 😃

Great, you don't have to cook.... and today it's my mother's turn hahahaha, we take turns because we both like it.... right now I'm on the task of taking pictures of key chains.... pedi from my brother, mother hahahahaha what fun!!!!

Ow, keychains :))

Don't say anything, my mother made almost all the ones I have, except for the ones I got as a present hahaha.

I hear Mr P is arriving quite late tonight, it will be a long day for you.

We just arrived home, his flight was delayed one hour and twenty minutes 😑

It's the same here, the coins fill a jar, but when it's full I go to the bank and change them. On the subject of how much we women can do, it is very true. We have the capacity to do several tasks at home at the same time, maybe some men too. But keep in mind that I am not generalizing. I hope your son was happy to see you and to taste the food Mom has prepared for him. And you won't be alone to eat and cook anymore. Have a good week.😇🤗

That is a good idea to take them to the bank. Here it is not free, you have to pay a fee for that (around 10€ which is a bit more than $11) 🙄

My son was happy to see me (I was happy too 😇), but it was too short, I arrived there between 22:30 and 23h, and until I found a parking lot and went to his flat my husband messaged that they landed at the airport. But now he has three days to eat from Mom's kitchen :D

Hi, all my attention here after that first paragraph. I haven't proceeded yet, just stopping by right quick to say I laughed out loud. How old is that kid? If you tell us later, forget I asked. Multitask, that's hilarious! I don't know how well he plays keys but kid's got jokes.

I'll be back..

Hi, back again. I just read the second paragraph and apparently you took him seriously. When you say student, I assumed child.. oops. Whatever the age, I don't know how you didn't choke from laughing after he said that. Look how long this comment is already. iHeart comedy. Multitask.. that's funny.

I'm off to read more now..

Lol! Are you kidding me?! So, moral of the story is, he's wrong cuz you're not a good multitasker. Helluva hands-on instructor, for real.

Wiiiiinnkk! BIG huge heart emoji!!!

Hi, all my attention to your message, and a little apology for not responding earlier, I was definitely not good at multitasking. If I was better, I would have answered you earlier. So, I wrote this post {not sure if this was even a post at all} between the cooking time and lessons (I always feel sorry for the native English speakers if they have to read this bad English of mine 😬 sorry ), almost arrived late to work but clicked the publish button just some hours later between another two lessons, drove 150km, arrived at Valencia, circled in the neighbourhood to find a parking place when everyone was already parked and probably sleeping, saw son for a few minutes, had to go back to the car and drove through the whole city to get to the airport (blessed who invented GPS), picked up my husband and arrived home. Nothing, really, and coming so late here to the comment section - that's a comedy 😂

My student definitely was wrong with his assumption, and he is a funny guy, yeah, older than me actually 😂

BIG huge heart emoji!!!

what about one heart on a pebble?


Nice! Like a mirror. You know outta 8 billion people, less than 2% of the population has green eyes? #6—last on the list.

I have this issue where I think everything's funny and I imagined your student being a young boy, I laughed out loud so loud the whole way through your article like, this is comedy gold. = }

There's a couple of you on here who, if I didn't know, I'd think English is your primary language. Plenty of native English speakers I've seen here who should be embarrassed for their grammar. You're not one of them.

You, lucky one 😉

Because of the eyes, but also because of that attitude of perceiving many things as funny (it is not an issue).

Thank you, although I do feel my limits. According to the band score I got at IELTS more than a decade ago, I was a good user.

Now, many things can change during one decade - maybe I improved or just the opposite hahaha (probably the latter 😂)

7 out of 10 is only good, there? Harsh. 7's great over here. Automatically qualified for a half million in student loan debt with a 7.

For him, it's multitasking and only women can do it.

That made me laugh, I have to agree men are lazy!

I live alone and love it, the beauty is you don't have to think of anyone else, wake up when I want, get up if I want to, eat and drink what I want when I want, and so on through the day until I decide time for bed!

Such a perfect world LOL

Not all men are lazy, not all women are hardworking. I suppose 😂
But he is coming from the UK, that student, you must know the same things he knows :D

Brits are the laziest bunch of people ever! When I was a salary slave it was remarkable to see the different work ethics between indigenous workers and those we employed from other european countries, without a doubt, those from the east put the brits to shame.

The revenge of the green beans!!! hahahaha. In Cuba the coins disappeared....inflation and the monetary disorder is ended with them.

I agree with you, cooking for yourself is very lazy, but luckily your inspiration came quickly. I hope your son enjoyed your recipes and that he is doing well in his new life. A new stage began for you two.... the nest was empty 🥺. Un abrazo.

Jajaja, sí, pro algo tenía que volver a la tienda, so it for becuase of the opportunity for the revenge 😁

Yes, I hope he enjoys them too during these days, until he comes, which will be on Saturday. Thank you @mdrguez 😇

I feel you... I have had no choice than to cook in recent times.
I do not like cooking frequently, but I have to, cos eating out is getting more expensive.