Lunch with a view

in Daily Blog4 months ago


If you were offered a lunch in total comfort, with the food served in precious and valuable utensils, in a comfortable chair and your palate delighting with each delicious bite, accompanied afterwards by the best wine… yes, yes, it wouldn't be bad at all to accept this, right?

And if the second option offered to you is a small picnic bag with prepared food, half-cooled when lunchtime came, a plastic fork, a stone bench and a stone table, for drinks you have bottled water? Plus you don't have servants but the birds keep you company...? What would you choose?

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that in this second option, you could have this view just a few steps from the picnic area. So, what would you choose?


You can already see what my option was, although no one offered me the first one haha, but my decision would definitely fall on this picnic variant. Yesterday I had to come to work in the late morning, I also had other errands to do and before I continued the afternoon classes I had time for my lunch. I prepared it at home and packed it, with the idea that I would eat it on the beach. In the last minute, I decided to change the place where my lunch would be consumed.


It is the path that leads to the lighthouse which we did so many times while living here. Later, somehow we stopped visiting it often, I guess life becomes busy and you forget about these cool places. When you don't have them close anymore then you start to revisit them. That is how we are with many things in our lives. 🤷‍♀


My shadow was there too.


There are a few stone benches in the picnic area of the Sierra Helada Natural Park. Two of them were already occupied - other people had the same idea to have their lunch there.

This was one free reserved for me. And my lunch was hidden in that blue/turquoise bag.

The feast can begin! 😁


In this little walk of mine around the picnic area, I noticed how many conifers suffered from the damage caused by the droughts this summer. Many trees have dried up, the fact that you see brown trees is not because of autumn. The trees should be green.

There has been no rain for several months and much of the vegetation has dried up. Mother Nature is powerful, she will somehow restore herself, I know. We, humans, have done a lot of damage, however, nature will continue its course if one day the human race disappears. Until then, we should respect the laws of Mother Nature and respect all the beings that live in her. Especially the little birds that come to visit you while you're having lunch.

Let's not fool ourselves. They didn't come because they love me, but because they expected some morsels from me. I shared what I could, but I ran out of bread at the end, so I didn't even have any for myself.


No more crumbs? Then I will send my lady to ask you, maybe you will give her something.


Good afternoon. Mr Sparrow said that you have no more bread either... but maybe a cereal flake from your muesli bar?


Thank you, I see it now. It was there already but Mr sparrow was picky! I take it, thank you!


It was a pleasure to share lunch with you, mipiano... We hope to have this photo on Hive and become famous. See you next time, and then, please bring more bread.



Los ambientes naturales son preciosos y se disfruta mucho el pretexto de un almuerzo para vivenciarlos!

Exactemante. Aunque es verdad que hay almuerzos que no se podrían tomar allí en ese banco de piedra jajaja, pero en vez de cuando sí que voy a comer allí y disfrutar :))

I would definitely choose the second option, without hesitation, you don't have to ask me, although nobody gave me either option, I can do it myself, right? haha 😂😂

What no one knows, Buhito sent Mr. Sparrow 🦉 He told him to steal all the food, but I guess he didn't get the order 🦉 jijiji

I knew it was Buhito who sent the birds. They are relatives after all, and I believe they secretly talked before I arrived there. It seems there were some interferences in communication so Mr Sparrow didn't understand. Huh, I was lucky hahaha

An excellent choice of course, although I'll take picnic for lunch and first choice for dinner. If I can have it all, I prefer not to choose hahaha or choose it all. Hey at the beginning I had a hard time finding the bird in the picture hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Hahaha, Nina, these were a special type of sparrows. Chameleon sparrows 🤣

Both options - that is the best hahaha 😂

The second option with the view is the better option in my opinion. The first option can be had anytime and anywhere. The second option is much harder to come by, so you have to seize the opportunity when it arises.

True - it is not that we always can have these views and food with us ;))
Will try to bring there my picnic bag (with lunch of course) whenever I have the opportunity 😃

Sin duda alguna también escogería la segunda opción 😊. Cuando ya no tenemos algunas cosas es cuando más necesarias y "presentes" se hacen, creo que es parte de la naturaleza humana. Gracias por elegir mostrarnos esa espléndida vista y esas aves tan fotogénicas 🤗

Sí, es cierto lo de la naturaleza humana.
Aves fotogénicas jaja y ves, muy habladoras 😂

Buen fin de semana, @mdrguez 😇

The first picture is awesome... gonna be appetizing to eat my food while looking at it.:)

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I hope your lunch was tasty 😇

Boahhhh look at that view and the color of the water. Seems like temperatures are also stil enjoyable?

Though there were some troubles with storms and floods in some parts of Spain, in this area there is still quite nice weather. :)

I would have chosen the same, nature has power over me, especially if the birds come to ask for food and there are trees! Nature is so wise, she knows what she is doing. Human beings are the ones who... let's leave it there.💗

You understand nature very well and receive from her positive energy. It can be a bird, a little flower or such beautiful views but it is always a great feeling to breath nature be surrounded by nature 😃

I like to be one with her, I find a lot of courage in her and she talks to me, I love that 🤗🤗.

If I can put the bottle of wine in the second option then yes I choose that one 😅🤣🤭🤭

Hahaha, you can't mix those two options hahaha


ya... porque eso sería como mezclar bebidas - lo que nunca termina bien 😂

Hi @mipiano, 🥰

The second option is always the best, for a ride like that I go even fasting 🤣.

On the side of my world, it rains every day, this winter lasted the 6 months as they used to be before, which makes the bush grow at full speed and that means more of my time stuck to the ground pulling it out of the undergrowth 🫤🥴🥲. But deep down it makes me happy that nature on this side behaves naturally.

As for the little birds, you make me laugh and I think if you really listened to them, you would be very concerned about those voices. It's fun to read your thoughts immersed in the bodies of the birds.

Hahaha, I should have done the same - some fasting and then the feast in nature can come 😆

It's fun to read your thoughts immersed in the bodies of the birds.

How do you mean my thoughts in the bodies of the birds? Those were their voices and thoughts! 😂 claro, broma, muchas gracias por acompañarme aquí and good luck with the bush and weeds... 💪

Having those views make our food more enjoyable. It becomes even tastier.

Exactly 😇

It's heaven, I believe !BBH

And it indeed is :)

@day1001 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(20/20)@mipiano! to your account on behalf of @day1001.

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It looks like a day at the beach on Margarita Island, where the scenery lends itself to an extraordinary outing..