Maximum Surveillance

in Daily Blog8 months ago (edited)

1st July 2024.

Maximum surveillance is necessary these days.
Beryl is more than a headache.

Imagine, it has become a category 4 hurricane, moving like a beast encouraged because it knows it is the first monster of this hurricane season. I worry about people who don't have strong enough houses. Already these days there have been reports of collapses in Havana. So much rain and humidity on those old buildings and then when the sun comes out... they break down.

What are we going to do? Nothing. Protect what we can. Nothing stops Beryl. Or I don't know.


I walk around barefoot, picking mangoes in the afternoons when the rain stops. It rains every afternoon.

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And it's not a romantic rain. It's stormy with lightning and thunder. Invariably, we run out of electricity. Two days ago they took it off at 5 p.m. and put it on after 12... I don't know. It was the middle of the night and the mosquitoes had already eaten me. I also don't know if I still have blood running through my veins. Sometimes I felt fatigued, maybe I needed a transfusion.

The mangoes.
I try to conquer the ones that fall before they are devoured by Tarzan, the rooster, who, by the way, is not mine. He (I gave it that name) is faster than me many times and I... I have nothing left to do but smile. I talked to him and congratulated him on being able to provide his food. You see, I'm addressing another surveillance issue here.

That rooster... I don't love him, but he loves me and is happy in my backyard. Maybe one day I'll change my mind and start to love him, although I think I have a fixed intention not to love him. What to do? He enjoys shouting at my window at 5 o'clock in the morning, without mercy. What I do is get angry and then the anger goes away little by little.

This morning I woke up bathed in sweat. I was having a terrible nightmare-dream, weird... apotheosis, I'd say. Tarzan dragged me out of it with his shouting. I didn't know whether to thank him for waking me up. Tarzan... I understand, I said, you're out of your hens. This was when I was no longer angry. Because amid that emotion, I tried to keep quiet.


What I was dreaming seemed bad, but it wasn't really. Later I googled and, on several pages, it looked positive. I didn't go any deeper and decided to stay with that idea because I always try to be positive in any situation.

The chickens an hens.
The neighbour managed to catch them all, but now I don't know why Tarzan doesn't go with them if it's just climbing a wall... I don't understand, as if they were on another continent.

Instead, Tarzan prefers to stay here alone, chanting his litany. Sometimes I think about these things for longer than I should, and it seems to me that they are not balanced, no.

God forbid I should one day become like Tarzan. Correction... I admire him for providing his food and helping his missing harem of hens find it. As for the rest, there is no admiration at all.


The yard floods a little bit. But then the soil absorbs the water well and it's accelerating the growth process of everything, weeds, for example... sorry, what am I saying?

“A weed is but an unloved flower.”

― Ella Wheeler Wilcox


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Also, the humidity allows the proliferation of fungi that look like raspberry biscuits. I don't know anything about mushrooms, but this looks tasty, doesn't it?


And to finish this update... I have to prune the bougainvillea. I'm keeping an eye on it too because it's gone bad. I'm going to have to perform a surgical intervention on it. It's going to be hard work because she is a lioness with sharp claws.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Give a chance to Tarzan..he has love for you jajjjj

I should be the one getting that chance, because one thing I'm sure of is that he is here to teach me something. A long time ago, I stopped believing in coincidences and I learned that there's a reason behind everything.


Mira lo que encontré en el patio cuando desperté hoy.


Yin no aprueba esto tampoco. 😏 Tarzán no se conforma con uno, tiene que probarlos todos jajaja...

jajaja que son una delicia...estuve pensando en mangos toda la mañana...

You are definitely a good weed. I loved the text, I hope the bad weather will soon pass and that sleep will guide you on the right path.

A big hug @nanixxx.

Good morning,

That's a nice compliment to my awakening. 😅

Big hugger, thank you. I hope you are well.

Buenas tardes?, todo bien. Te dejo ( y a quien tenga curiosidad) un paseo por la obra de un paisano tuyo, espero que la disfrutes trtanto como yo la he disfrutado (aunque creo que en formato pdf va a ser complicado).

Un saludo muy grande @nanixxx

😕 Mi escáner no lo puede leer. Quizás necesita estar más enfocado. De cualquier manera, gracias, y me alegra que hayas disfrutado esto. 😋

Te envio en un rato, o en un día 😄 el pdf. Disfruta de una bonita tarde.

Pruning that plant will not be easy, especially if it has thorns!

The cockerel... what a problem... why does the cockerel prefer your house... what a good question!

What a problem with those storms... no light, I've been through things like that but I don't know if it's for that many days. The worst thing is the bad rest and that you need to rest.

I love the mushroom pictures... here is a mushroom community....😉

Nani hug!💗

I can record that task. 😂🤭 And post it here. It would be something like... The battle against the lioness, a 3Speak experience.

Yes, rest is needed.

I don't know, I've been reading things. That animals deciding to be by my side without me calling them seems to be good. It is said to be an energetic thing. As if they were sent by my light guides.

Maybe the little and bad sleep is messing my head-mind a bit (more). 😅

About the mushrooms, I will try to take better pictures of them. Because these were taken with the phone.

Thanks 😉. Nice day!

Nice photos of mushrooms, I haven't seen them here yet, otherwise I would have posted them by now hahaha.

If nature comes around it's for a reason, but don't let the rooster keep you awake at night....

don't let the rooster keep you awake at night...

Bueno, eso no sé evitarlo.

otherwise I would have posted them by now hahaha.

¡Claro! 🤣

Y gracias, Amonet. 👋

Gallinas? jajaja comida?... un palo? ahh no esa no🤣

🤣 pobre Tarzán


Hey! I Have not read You since long time ago! Beryl is Indeed a mounster and not like the infant movie. I hope it Will take his path by the Golfo and don't take any land. Nether nacional or international land🙏.

Pdt. I like those mangoes. How many pounds does it weith?

... pesando un mango.

Hay uno de 4 Lbs


Qué bueno tenerte por acá. Espero que te encuentres bien. Saludos a tu padre.

Ese 🥭 ta' duro!

Pues nada, puedes llegarte a comer algunos.

Tarzán te ama!!! Y yo amé los mangos!! Gracias Amanda 🥰.

You will see that Beril will pass far away, although that means the damage will be to others 😔...the power of nature is uncontrollable. Un abrazo 🤗

I'm so happy to be able to share the mangoes. 🤗

I read now that it's already a category 5, but I'm manifesting for it not to do harm and dissipate in the sea.

Don't even think about eating those mushrooms. They can be poisonous. In Cuba there are no edible mushrooms only in experimental stations. Another cat in the house...?ufff.
The mangoes are beautiful and tasty, the rain has been very good for them. From now on I prefer not to think about that cyclone..... 😘🥰❤️

😄 Es tarde, ya me los comí... jajaja... es broma Mamani, ¿cómo me voy a comer eso?
Ese es Yin, lo que la foto quedó muuuuy mala, muuuy mala. 😂

The same thing happens to me as to you, but instead of a rooster waking me up, it's the "guacharacas" which are another type of birds that are very nice, but very impertinent sometimes hahaha 🤣, at 5PM they also start screaming and arguing like crazy hahaha 😂. As for what you say about the storms, I hope it passes soon 🙏, here in Venezuela we also run out of electricity from time to time, there are places where it is common to be up to 8 hours without electricity. The photos are spectacular as always, I loved the yellow kitty 💙. A hug @nanixxx 🤗🤗.

Ay qué graciosas en la foto que dice grupo de guacharacas 🤣
Parecen chismosonas.

Este es Yin, mi gato, bueno no es mío tampoco. Yo poseo pocas cosas la verdad jajaja.

Abrazo de vuelta, @vezo, y gracias por el reblog y por pasar a darme una vueltecita. 😉

Síí, jajajaja, diste en el blanco, son súper chismosas 😂😂, hace unos años tenían la costumbre de ponerse en mi ventana a gritarme a las 5 AM, no me hacía falta despertador y ellas hacen durííísimo 😂😂, hasta que un día me asomé por la ventana a verlas, me vieron y se asustaron 🤣, entonces más nunca hicieron eso, pero sí lo siguen haciendo en el jardín del edificio. Son comiquísimas cuando se pelean y comparten los mangos cuando van a comer. A veces las veo montadas en el árbol y cuando se resbalan por las ramas se quejan, dicen "ayyy" así como hace uno igualito 😂😂, son lo máximo a mí me encantan. Saludos, @nanixxx 💙.

Inteligencia natural. Sí, ¡definitivamente!


Don't hate or love the rooster, wake him up when he is sound asleep and see if he likes it ok no haha 😂

😁 ¡Qué gran idea! Me acerco en puntitas de pies y le meto un grito jajaja...

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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Thank you very much for your support! ;)

@nanixxx, you are most welcome!

Here is !PIZZA token gift for you

Beryl, unthreatening and such a quaint name for a hurricane!

i shall eat the mangoes, you can risk the fungi!

I wish we could share them and chitchat. I think I'd have a lot of fun listening to your stories. 😉

I don't think you want me to poison myself. You'd miss me. 😂
