A visit to the market

in Daily Blog4 months ago

I’m a woman I know but one thing I can’t shy away from is market movement, but there is nothing I dread like going there the market I mean. It your girl @onize27

I had to accompany a friend to the market for her wedding shopping that fact that it was a wedding shopping I got really excited forgetting the stress that comes with it.

Know how much walking we where going to be doing I got really comfortable, I got the most comfortable shoes in my wardrobe.


As if i could see the future I got this very comfortable sandals like bearly four day before the the market day the ride I enjoyed I can’t lie



The market we visited was about 2 hour or more away from home and that vicinity once held the title home for a couple of years, it was an amazing ride, for a while now my movement has been work home and church and a few time the corner shops and small market around me, I have been been so cooked up in the house that I didn’t realize how developed the city has become.

Stepping into the market I was reminded of how much I hated to be in the market, the necessary struggle, the skin touching the wheelbarrow pushers moving like they left there eyes at home, the bike men that is a different case on it own

than the most annoying of them all are the vendors who feel the need to torch or drag you towards there shops, for haven sake if I need what you are selling I would come for it there is really no need of dragging me.



Aside the chaos of the market I had an amazing time looking at fabric trying to pick the best, we ended up with an eye catching lace fabric, than we moved to pricing and I was able to beat the price from seven thousand naira per yard to five thousand five hundred per yard, I guess I want to the market with my mother pricing cap lol😂.

Than we moved to shoes there where so much nice shoes we really didn’t know where to start our search for size and budget, after looking around for a while, our eyes caught this really beautiful shoes behind others shoes, we than asked the attendant to help us bring the shoes down the moment the shoe met my friends hand our joy was cut short😭 it was a couple of sizes smaller than hers, we asked for same shoe in a bigger size there was not perfect size for my friend the shoe was ether too small or too big not her perfect size.

We left the shop sad but our spirit we really lifted when we had to eat, I didn’t even relished how hungry I was till we had to order, I ordered a plate of rice and plantains o lord that food was really nice and testy, than we had to return to search for bag, in the mist of my excitement, than hunger and back to excitement I really didn’t take other pictures.

I returned home drained.

NOTE: All the pictures are mine

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