Men's celebration day

in Daily Blog7 months ago

Happy new week to you members of the daily blog. I apologize as this post is coming late due to network issues.

Yesterday, being the 2nd Sunday in the month of September, was really an amazing and outstanding Sunday. Although Sunday is always my favorite day of the week, but yesterday was an outstanding and memorable Sunday. Do you want to know why? That's what I would be penning down right now.

Apart from the delicious dishes and the coming together of the family. Yesterday was men's day at an assembly of God church in Nigeria. We celebrate it regarding our fathers. It is held to celebrate, appreciate and recognize our fathers as the pillars and sacrifices of our fathers and men as the head of the family.

It is also held for fathers to show their talents and how they can fit into the loving responsibility as the head of the family

it's to celebrate our fathers for the positive contributions they make in marriage, child care, environment and others.

So many events took place yesterday, as the men (fathers) marched in colorfully, dancing and rejoicing, they gave special presentations that wowed the church, including bible recitations, special songs, discussions, words of wisdom and lots more.

Praises were sung by the men and the whole church danced heartily as they put in their offerings.

After that, the men presented an important discussion on sensitive topics, like how to live like a Christian family, ways parents can relate to their teenagers, and how teenagers can react to temptations and lots more. It was really educative.

At the end of the program, an inspiring message was sent out by the men's president to the church on the topic”shining as the light”, which encourages Christians to live exemplary lives and to stand out wherever they go.

Drinks and snacks were shared at the end of the programs as we all accepted it with gladness and the church in return gave their appreciation to the men.

It was a Wonderful Sunday, and it gladens my heart to be able to narrate my memories to you here on daily blog.Thanks for reading.