Red means stop

in Daily Blog7 months ago

This is one (of many) of Micah's favourite sayings🥰. When I'm driving🚗 and he sees traffic lights🚥🚦 he starts repeating red means stop, green means go! Go go go!!
(If we make a turn he says turn around) Anyways continuing on

At home he does this with his stroller outside and in the house walking/running thru dining/living room area. He has a certain path he'll take whether he's inside or outside and rarely detours from it. The whole time he's going back and forth, he wants you to join in on his fun by repeating him every time he says it. Which is every time he stops. Red means stop green means go. Go go go! (He prefers the go go go to be enthusiastic sounding! If not you might have an issue🤦🥴)
Oh, and although he doesn't include the yellow balls or say it while playing. When he sees a yellow caution light he'll say yellow go slow. I really have to pay attention when he says that phrase. There's been a few times I didn't understand what he was saying in time and he can make himself upset😞. We're trying to discourage that.. But at the same time I understand he wants to be heard and acknowledged. So I do always try to make sure he's heard.
Anyways, I'm going to wrap this up. I could ramble all day about my sweet, little, wild child Micah!🥰🤗
