Dreams do come true, but for it to happen we really need to work hard too and made a lot of sacrifices. Although not anyone can really be lucky on just one or second try no. Some had to try and try and try, but what's amazing to some of them is, they never stop dreaming. Anyways so happy for you, a surrounding like that is truly wonderful. Imagine waking up every morning to see such beautiful creations. You can start the day in a good track if ut's like that ✨✨
Yeah I also needed more than ten years to make it ehehe
I hope you can enjoy the beautiful surrounding area your house too 😊
I am enjoying our surrounding, the only thing I don't like was that we're near the highway so everytime cars, trucks or motorcycles pass by, it is too loud. Sometimes we can feel the ground vibrating coz of those big vehicles 😆😆✨