Wow! I will call this a blessing in disguise. At first, it seemed like a bad day but at the end, it turned out to be a blessing.
Look at this scenario: if his tire never went flat, he would not have walked and the bed would not have pooped on his hair. If the bed did not poop on his hair, the thought of applying for a lottery ticket may not have happened. You see how everything happened well played.
Here is the lesson to learn from this story.
We may be in situations that are challenging, difficult, and unpleasurable, but instead of feeling bad about it, we should look at it as a journey towards growth—a blessing. We should let our minds be open towards wonderful possibilities and opportunities, and in there we will find our blessings.
Matthew 7:7, in short, says "ASK," which means: Ask, Seek, and Knock, and it shall be given, shall be found, and the door shall be open for us.
Absolutely - you are correct and there is nothing to add. I am happy that my son's has the sort of attitude where he keeps on going. To be honest I was surprised that he wanted to buy the ticket but I was willing to play along because it seemed like a fun thing to do.
As a result, I would like to say with regard to Matthew 7:7 - one must take rightful action as well because nothing happens by magic. Sometimes the doors are there for us to open but we do not act - we do nothing.