Bringing my Merry Christmas greetings to hive

in Daily Blog2 months ago


Good morning.

Merry Christmas...

May this Joy radiating at the course of this divine Celebration never seize in your life and family. Amen.
May you live in good health to celebrate other Christmas ahead. Amen.
I decree and declare upon your life using God's word in Issiah 60:1 that you shall arise and shine for his light will continue to shine upon you and every member of your household. Amen
It is written in Issiah 65:24 that even before you talk , the Lord had already answered you.......🙏 May this be your portion henceforth and may it bring forth mega testimonies for you so that your enemies will be put to shame through Christ our Lord. Aaaammmmeeennnnn.
Thank God , finally we saw this year's Christmas alive...... It is not easy.......
May this Christmas bring you endless happiness and the fulfillment of your dreams❤️💐🙌
To God be all the glory forever. Amen..
It's a time to show love and celebrate the birth of Jesus with our Loved ones
Once again , congratulations and Happy Christmas to you.

Sunnygreat2468 care's 🙏🙏


Merry Christmas bro.
May I suggest that before you make a post to a community, go to the "about" section and read the rules and description.
Or better still involve your onboarder

Alright thanks