Movie Day~ Saturday

in Daily Blogyesterday

One most special thing about Saturdays is that i get a chance to watch a movie while sitting among other cinema enthusiasts. I always thought/ fascinated to watch movies, but cinema is almost inaccessible to middle-class people. But, at this time, a society, Islamabad film society, took the initiative to make cinema more accessible to people. They show one movie every weekend in just 250 Pakistani rupee.

I was standing and waiting for bus

My exciting day started with taking a bath and wearing good dress for movie night. I prefer to go to that event alone. This alone experience helps me to interact with like-minded people and make new friends and acquaintances. I ran into the bus but this electric bus was moving like an ant. I was quite sure that i am going to be late for this movie night.

In all hurry, I got off from the bus and booked a bike ride for myself. I was running short on budget, but still, i was paying out of budget.

Finally, i reached my destination. It's a community center where the movie is displayed every weekend. I listened; Within one hour, we will be playing our movie.

In the meantime, I interacted with some familiar faces and with some unfamiliar faces. We laughed on jokes and shared some thoughtful things with each other. I got compliments about my speaking skills. One mate complimented; "Taha, you should be a content creator on youtube"
This is what i have been trying to do for a long time, but i have been procrastinating for a long time.

Well, within some time, music started sailing in our ears. But, to be honest, these strings and music were eerie to my ears. I was like those musicians were trying really hard to be singers, but in reality, they were not. Listeners were also sort of forced to listen. I was passing some weird smiles and laughed with shrieking voice.

To distract myself, I was looking at the clouds that were taking new shapes, forms, and colors. Evening was about to fall. The special thing about this event was that the director of the movie was also present there and sitting at the back. He was sort of nervous about the response.

After some music, we all sat down, and the projector started. As we sat down to watch, electricity played with us. It was all dark around us and hotting started. The owner of society told us that they intentionally switched off so that we can play games with you. But, all of us were aware that electricity went off. I found that i wasn't alone who was hungry but my mates, sitting along with me, were also craving for food. That's why, we walked to food points. Twist came when we all took out our cards and not having cash. Food point was not accepting card payments and they gave us loaded fries for free.

While, eating fries, we were walking in the sector and witnessing some street talents. An old person was playing melodious strings on rubaab.

Soon, light came, and everything around us got lit up. We all ran to the community center, and there was a wanna be singer who was playing guitar. He was playing well but his singing skills were crying.

After the performance of the singer, projector again lit up and we all were hopeful that we can watch full movie in this second try. Honestly, movie was 10/10. I was not expecting this much twist, climax, refinement, and supreme storytelling from local cinema. But, this short film proved me wrong. It succeed to made me remain attentive and suspenseful throughout the film.
In the end, the director and writer came on the stage, and he was utterly happy to see such an overwhelming response.

That's how my movie day ended!