🍓 {07/05/23} ✦ NEW GOAL: Adjustable Sewing Mannequin ✂ 👘 🪡 / / "You can help me make bigger and better Cosplays!" ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in Daily Blog2 years ago (edited)

✦ Welcome! Throughout this post you will know the story of my new goal to acquire an indispensable tool to improve the quality and complexity of my Cosplays. If you want to be part of my story as a Cosplayer, get to know me a little more or support me, keep reading ✦

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🇪🇸 ~ Desde que empecé en el mundo de Cosplay he encontrado soluciones en las herramientas más simples, todavía lo hago, por experiencia he comprobado que puedes lograr resultados sobresalientes sin la necesidad de herramientas pesadas o materiales importados de alto costo. El material no hace al Cosplay, lo hace tu determinación y destreza 🤜🤛 🔥 ✨

🇺🇸 ~ Since I started in the world of Cosplay I have found solutions in the simplest of tools, I still do, from experience I have found that you can achieve outstanding results without the need for heavy tools or expensive imported materials. The material doesn't make the Cosplay, your determination and skill does 🤜🤛 🔥 ✨

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✦ A very kind friend of mine helped me by researching sewing mannequin options in town, near where I live, and these were the first ones she found. And although the movable arms and fingers are great for working on dresses and suits with long sleeves, these mannequins are a size S, too small for me, a size M. These cost almost 250$ each ✦

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Y aunque mi pensamiento no ha cambiado, algo con lo que inevitablemente te encuentras es que, dependiendo la complejidad del proyecto, si quieres agilizar el proceso y mantener la integridad de las piezas durante largos periodos de (por ejemplo) bordado a mano o ajuste de proporciones de un accesorio, un maniquí de costura se vuelve muy necesario.

And while my thinking hasn't changed, one thing you inevitably run into is that, depending on the complexity of the project, if you want to streamline the process and maintain the integrity of the pieces during long periods of (for example) hand embroidering or adjusting the proportions of an accessory, a sewing mannequin becomes very necessary.

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✦ These models were also available in the same store. But they were almost as expensive, about $180 or $205. And they were not remotely close to my size either. Sure, I can always make hip pads to compensate for the missing measurements but it seems to me that for that price I'd rather check out more options ✦

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Y eso es justo lo que me está pasando. Para mis siguientes proyectos un maniquí de costura me ayudaría muchísimo a acelerar mi proceso de confección. Por eso después de pedir asesoramiento a través de Instagram, y recibir recomendaciones de muchos queridos amigos, colegas y personas adorables de la comunidad, comencé a escribir a distintas tiendas del país por información y presupuestos.

And that's just what's happening to me. For my next projects a sewing dummy would help me tremendously to speed up my sewing process. So after asking for advice through Instagram, and receiving recommendations from many dear friends, colleagues and lovely people in the community, I started writing to different stores around the country for information and quotes.

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✦ You can see their beautiful catalog here (the cost was $110 per piece) ✦

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Ésta por ejemplo es una fábrica de maniquíes de costura profesional con muy buena calificación en la capital. Su atención fue muy buena y la información que te proporcionan es muy completa. Lamentablemente, ninguna de las 3 opciones era similar a mi cuerpo (mi pecho, cintura, y talla de caderas esta entre esas 3 medidas diferentes).

This one for example is a factory of professional sewing mannequins with very good qualification in the capital. Their attention was very good and the information they provide is very complete. Unfortunately, none of the 3 options were similar to my body (my chest, waist, and hip size is between those 3 different measurements).

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✦ Lots of screenshots from my cell phone while I was researching the features of this mannequin in depth! Sorry for not including the sources, everything was taken from my phone at high speed while I was talking to several people ✦

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Después de muchas conversaciones con amigos y otros Cosplayers, tuve la fortuna de recibir la asesoría de una Cosmaker muy querida que lleva varios años de experiencia atendiendo comisiones de Cosplay para otras personas: 💕 Isbelys López Herrera 💕 con mucha paciencia y gentileza me explico los pro y los contra de cada modelos de maniquí de costura disponible en el mercado, y me explico que la mejor opción actualmente en el país, sumado a la relación calidad/precio, es el Maniquí de Costura Oficial de SINGER 🤌 ❤

After many conversations with friends and other Cosplayers, I was fortunate to receive the advice of a very dear Cosmaker who has several years of experience attending Cosplay commissions for other people: 💕 Isbelys López Herrera 💕 with a lot of patience and kindness explained me the pros and cons of each model of sewing mannequin available in the market, and explained me that the best option currently in the country, added to the quality/price ratio, is the Official SINGER Sewing Mannequin 🤌 ❤

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✦ This is the mannequin of my dreams, it's all I need right now to raise the quality of my costumes and sew at high speed, because most of the time when you do Cosplay is consumed by the production of the patterns and adjustment of the first fittings. I know that in pages like Ebay or Amazon you can find it cheaper, even I wouldn't mind having a used one, but the shipping and customs costs would raise the price so much that it is not worth the effort, it is better to buy it in this store ✦

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Después de aun MAS investigación, la única tienda en Venezuela que posee este artículo en disponibilidad inmediata es ᗰᗩᑕᕼIᑎᗴ ᔕTOᖇᗴ 💎 y que, además, tiene disponible las dos medidas, S y M. La atención al cliente también fue muy buena y me proporcionaron el catálogo digital para confirmar las especificaciones y medidas y WOW, la talla S ocupa perfecto las diferencias de talla entre mi busto, cadera y pecho. ¡ES SIMPLEMENTE PERFECTO! (además la tienda tiene ENVIO GRATIS a todo el país) 👀 📬 💸

After even MORE research, the only store in Venezuela that has this item in immediate availability is ᗰᗩᑕᕼIᑎᗴ ᔕTOᖇᗴ 💎 and that also has both sizes available, S and M. The customer service was also very good and they provided me with the digital catalog to confirm the specifications and measurements and WOW, the size S perfectly occupies the size differences between my bust, hip and chest. It's SIMPLY PERFECT!!! (plus the store has FREE SHIPPING nationwide) 👀 📬 💸

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✦ 2 people of great heart donated $100 and $40 to the goal, as of today I am at 66% of the total. I am very very grateful, with all my love for the support and the beautiful messages that accompanied these donations ! ! ! ✦

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En 2022 recuerdo haber visto a una compañera Cosplayer comprar ese maniquí para su novia, y tenía un costo de 85$, en otra tienda me dijeron que había unos modelos genéricos en 150$. Pero después de todos esos días preguntando y buscando la mejor opción, tuve que modificar la meta en Ko-Fi y actualizarla al nuevo objetivo, que son 230$.

In 2022 I remember seeing a fellow Cosplayer buy that mannequin for her girlfriend, and it had a cost of 85$, in another store they told me there were some generic models in 150$. But after all those days asking around and looking for the best option, I had to modify the goal in Ko-Fi and update it to the new target, which is 230$.

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Xie Lian/Daozan - Yuki Onna - Hatsune Miku - Clalaclan Phillias - Oichi - Xie Lian/Dianxia

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Éstos son algunos de los trajes en lista para los que el maniquí de costura me ayudaría muchísimo; como puedes ver quiero hacer desde trajes con muchísimas capas, accesorios y volumen, a nuevas armaduras, pero para que todo eso quede como lo imagino (bien estructurado, simétrico, proporcionado y limpio) necesito un cuerpo sólido como base 🧵 👘 🪡

These are some of the costumes in list for which the sewing mannequin would help me a lot; as you can see I want to make from costumes with lots and lots of layers, accessories and volume, to new armor, but for all that to look as I imagine it (well structured, symmetrical, proportioned and clean) I need a solid body as a base 🧵 👘 🪡

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✦ These are some of my works! I have been able to access 360° cameras because the organizers of some manganime events hire the service so that we can access it for free during the conventions, I am very grateful to everyone! ✦

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¡Y eso es todo por ahora!, en resumen, la nueva meta para crecer y mejorar a nivel de confección (y tiempo de producción) en mis Cosplay es un Maniqui de Costura Ajustable Marca SINGER, la única tienda en el país que lo tiene en disponibilidad inmediata lo tiene en 230$ + ENVIO GRATIS, y la recaudación va al 66% 💰 📈 💖

And that's all for now, in short, the new goal to grow and improve at the level of tailoring (and production time) in my Cosplay is a SINGER Brand Adjustable Sewing Mannequin, the only store in the country that has it in immediate availability has it for $230 + FREE SHIPPING, and the collection goes to 66% 💰 📈 💖

Actualmente no manejo un sistema de recompensas, por lo que cada donación es precisamente eso, una donación, pero en un futuro próximo es mi intensión producir vídeo tutoriales de acceso gratuito para todos a través de "3speak.tv" y/o "youtube" (YA TENGO ARO DE LUZ y un bonito cuarto de costura en construcción); si quieres ayudarme o correr la voz, los medios donde recibo ayuda con esta meta son PayPal, Ko-Fi (aunque tienen comisiones muy altas y no son mis opciones favoritas) y Binance (¡también pueden ser en Hive!) 🪙

Currently I don't manage a reward system, so every donation is just that, a donation, but in the near future it is my intention to produce video tutorials for free access for everyone through "3speak. tv" and/or "youtube" (I ALREADY HAVE A LIGHT HOOP and a nice sewing room under construction); if you want to help me or spread the word, the mediums where I get help with this goal are PayPal, Ko-Fi (although they have very high commissions and are not my favorite options) and Binance (they can also be on Hive!) 🪙

Pero por supuesto, no estaré inactiva hasta conseguir esta meta. Actualmente estoy trabajando en Cosplans más sencillos, trajes que siempre quise, pero por alguna razón nunca realicé (como InuYasha en su versión humana o Sailor Uranus). Quédate conmigo en Hive para ver muy pronto próximos avances ⭐👄⭐ ¡Muchos abrazos! 💕

But of course, I won't be idle until I achieve this goal. I'm currently working on Simpler Cosplans, costumes that I always wanted, but for some reason never realized (like InuYasha in his human version or Sailor Uranus). Stay with me on Hive to see upcoming previews very soon ⭐👄⭐ Big hugs! 💕

¡Muchas gracias por leer!

✨ 🍓 ✨ Happy, soft, and creative day to all ✨ 🍓 ✨

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🍓 Autoría del texto y todas las imágenes: @Tesmoforia 🍓
📷 Herramientas: Lumix Panasonic DMC-FH2/Smartphone 📷
🚨 ¡Por favor no tomes, edites ni re-publiques mi material sin mi permiso! 🚨
💌 ¿Deseas ponerte en contacto conmigo? [email protected] 💌
✨ Translation done with Deepl

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸3 ⚜


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