Hello Hive family and friends it's been a long time how are you everyone? Exactly 1:02 in the morning while heading back to the airport when i was going out to the highway unexpected accident happened. The car from our Company that I've been driving was being hit by a drunk driver of motorbike what an unlucky person early in the morning. On the way out of the highway the taxi stop to gave way and letting me pass but suddenly when i passed to the kind driver of a taxi a drunk driver of motorbike who counterflow to the non moving taxi hit directly to the car that I'm driving that causes Him to crashed and smash his motorbike at the car.
Thats all for today please be safe all the time. Have a wonderful stay in good health and God Bless everyone..XoXo😘😘!

When the motorbike hit the car i quickly stop the car and turn on emergency light and checked the driver the motorbike driver had a big injury on his leg but still happy to see him standing after the big impact of the accident, but his left leg was damage too much that force him to walk using only his right leg. When the accident happened i quickly call and ambulance and ask also our manager to call a police qnd traffic police to investigate and rescue the bloody drunk person after almost an hour of waiting finally the ambulance arrived and put some first aid and clean the wounds of to the motorbike driver.
When i talked to the driver why He drive so fast with an influence of an alcohol! He just answer me sorry i didn't saw you, when his friend arrived his testimony was changed and he said it was my faulth because i run so fast i was smiling and thinking how could i run so fast when i am about going to left so i need to yeild. The driver and his friend trying to argue with me but i tell them to relax and sit down because your hurt and blooded he just said it's nothing i can handle it. But when time passes by he slowly feel the pain.

After another hour of waiting finally the traffic police investigator arrived and took some pictures on the accident area, then we went to the police office for further investigation when the police explained the result of their investigation 85% the motorbike driver starts the big trouble and cause traffic on the highway. That time He told us the truth saying I'm so sorry i didn't recognize and saw the car going out and he never seen also the non moving taxi that letting me pass by when the police investigator asked him are you fall asleep the driver answered "i think because i didn't saw anything He just awake lying together with his motorbike with blooded leg and pain.

When he admit the crime accident that he made we settle right away and he promise to pay the damages tomorrow we will go to the shop and asked for the quotation for the damages of car. Then the driver pleased if he can have a discount how much the quotation result is. Our manager tell the driver that he need to pay all the damages whatever happen, when i asked the motorbike driver if he is married he said he had a live in partner and have 2 kids😢😢 then i talk to our manager if ever how much diacount he needs i will pay for the rest because being a Father that needs to feed 3 of your family is not easy especially if you are alone had the source of funds for your family and he can't work tomorrow I'm sure because of his wounds and because it's Christmas i gave it to him as a gift the manager still won't agree but i told Her don't worry Maam I'm fine i can manage the rest of payment glad she agreed (manager)❤️🙏🙏☝️.