[Esp|ENG] Daily Blog: Compartiendo con mis tias en el dia de la mujer | Sharing with my aunts on women's day

in Daily Blog22 hours ago
Hola amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, hoy paso por acá para mostrarles este lindo día compartiendo junto a mis tias en el día de la mujer que casualmente este año se conmemoró el Sábado, y ese día siempre vamos a visitar a mi abuelita y a compartir con mi familia que la gran mayoría somos mujeres.

Hello friends from this beautiful community, today I go through here to show you this nice day sharing with my aunts on the women's day that coincidentally this year was commemorated on Saturday, and that day we will always visit my grandmother and share with my family that the great majority of us are women.

Post para Facebook Saludo Dia de la Madre Orgánico Rústico Marrón y Beige_20250311_065612_0000.png

Iniciamos el día, como ya es costumbre, yendo a casa de mi abuelita a la hora del mediodía para disfrutar de una deliciosa sopa de lagarto, cuando llegamos ya mi tía la tenía lista y solo nos sentamos a comer juntas, allí siempre hablamos, contamos las experiencias de la semana y nos ponemos al día.

We started the day, as it is already customary, going to my grandmother's house at noon time to enjoy a delicious lizard soup, when we arrived and my aunt had it ready and we just sat down to eat together, there we always talk, we count the experiences of the week and catch up.



Me la disfrute mucho, estaba muy deliciosa. Al rato de terminar de comer decidimos dirigirnos a un súper Market cercano para comprar unos deliciosos alfajores y merendar, mi prima me acompañó y los compramos.

I enjoyed it a lot, it was very delicious. After finishing eating we decided to head to a nearby super Market to buy some delicious alfajors and have a snack, my cousin accompanied me and we bought them.


Regresamos y estuvimos mucho rato en el cuarto de mi tía, conversando y riéndonos con sus chistes, la mayor parte del día se basa en eso🤭

We came back and were in my aunt's room for a long time, conversing and laughing with her jokes, most of the day is based on that


Queria dejarles esta hermosa foto con mi abuelita que Dios me la bendiga, tiene 96 años, una mujer súper luchadora, trabajadora toda su vida, saco a todos sus hijos adelante, todos son profesionales y en su momento cuidó a la gran mayoría de sus nietos.

I wanted to leave this beautiful photo with my grandmother that God bless me, she is 96 years old, a super fighter woman, a worker all her life, I take out all her children forward, they are all professionals and at the time she took care of the great majority of her grandchildren.


Al hacerse un poco más tarde, a eso de las 6 pm ya teníamos un poco de hambre y nos fuimos a disfrutar unos ricos perros calientes con queso blanco, les dije a mis tías que esa era nuestra celebración por el día de la mujer.

By doing a little later, at about 6pm we were already a little hungry and we went to enjoy some rich hot dogs with white cheese, I told my aunts that was our celebration for the woman's day.



Al poco rato regresé a casa y mi novio me fue a ver un ratico y a darme sus felicitaciones. Allí terminó mi dia.

After a little while I returned home and my boyfriend went to see me for a while and give me his congratulations. There my day ended.


Espero que les guste amigos, saludos y bendiciones 🤗

I hope you like friends, greetings and blessings

Todas las fotos capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.

Banner editado en Canva en su versión Pro.


Enjoy spending time with your grandma dear,,its nice to be with our grandma and your lucky to have your still alive..

This is such a heartwarming and lovely blog post!I love how you celebrated Women's Day with your family,It's wonderful to see such strong family bonds and the emphasis on cherishing these moments.