It's often said that “experience is the best teacher.” It's also said that “a child can never be more experienced than his elders.” These two sayings simply pass one message across, and that message is that as one grows, new things are learned and some ways are amended. Some of the things I now consider immature, I once saw them as part of life as well as fun.
Maturity actually doesn't have to do with age but no one can actually behave mature from the womb. As time moves on, one begins to learn new ways of doing things and at that point begins to avoid some actions/behaviors which we can term “immature or childish”. For me, I can vividly remember some immature childish things I did when I was still a kid. Let me share some with everyone and see if there are people that have the same experiences, lol.
When I was in the lower classes in primary school, my parents often came to drop me off at school and as well return to pick me up when school activities ended. But during my upper classes, when my parents believed I was big enough to leave and return to school alone, they gave me the freedom to do so. I had some friends who lived along my street so we often walked back home together. Among my friends are three boys (Christian, Chiboy and Igwe) and two girls (Hannah and Twinnie). We made a lot of childish memories.
While strolling back from school with my friends, we often see herdsmen moving their cattle through the pastures for them to feed. These cattle are often accompanied by many egrets. Sometimes we often spend time chasing after these egrets and forget our school bags on the floor. But on days we don't see the herdsmen and the egrets, we switch to chasing pigeons, lol. It was fun because most times we try capturing the egrets. Sometimes we often leave leftovers for these birds just to use it and attract them to ourselves.
Any day I ever returned from school with friends back then and we didn't share images/patterns we could form from the clouds, then there's a serious problem or we had some form of misunderstanding.
Finding shapes in the clouds is another kind of play I see as “childish” and I did play when I was growing up. This was one of the childish plays that required mental work and concentration. We used to sit by the roadside most times for a few minutes just to observe the clouds and share all the shapes we could form from the clouds.
This is another childish thing I did while growing up. I wouldn't include my friends into this because I never read their mind to know their imaginations. But for me, I had a crush on one of my friends, Twinnie. She has a twin sister but her twin wasn't living with them, she was schooling outside the state. To me then, Twinnie was a damsel, I never believed I would see any other female more beautiful than Twinnie. Some of my imaginations that which were kind of my childish mentality were:
: the imagination of marrying Twinnie one day and not letting any of my mates know about it.
: taking Twinnie abroad with my private plane and buying her everything she could ever ask.
: becoming the richest, strongest and longest living human
: living with Twinnie and children for 250 years so we could enjoy life to the fullest
: returning to my primary school and buying sweets for every pupil as well as showing them my wife, Twinnie.
Other imaginations I often build up in my mind were becoming stronger than John Cena, Flying like Superman and becoming a superhero of my own with the unbeatable superpowers.
Whenever I remember some of these crazy imaginations, I smile at my childish era. I still see some kids who look up at the sky trying to form shapes from the clouds and it quickly reminds me of those days.
Time flies and so does knowledge.
LINKThanks friends for stopping by to check up on my post. This is my entry for the #hive-reachout prompt of the week, wk 38. This week's prompt is amazing. To know more about the initiative, check this
Nice write up. But your imagination are really funny 🤣
Yea broo!!
Not only funny, but childish as well 😹
I think everybody is guilty of the imaginations really😂😂
Nice write up👏👏
Ahahahhh I think there was a song we use to sing while chasing the pigeon