I assume that by this question, I may be expected to talk about something superficial, maybe a body part that i don't like or something of that nature. But, I won't cause right now. There's not any one thing that bothers me so well about me, which I haven't come to appreciate and learned ways to flatter.
Image is mine
Well, my answer would be something that's on the outside and the inside, too. It's my eyes. Don't get it twisted, I like my eyes cause they're small and cute, but I don't like my syesight. I suffer a defect of vision, and I wear prescribed glasses. I've had to wear them for over ten years. Yes, that long.
I remember that, back then as a kid, at school, my English and literature teachers loved to have me read comprehension passages and novels respectively to the hearing of the class. They loved how I obeyed punctuation and pronounced quite accurately and read slowly. But I had a problem. I would stop mid sentence and rub my eyes. Other times, I'd shut my eyes very tightly to clear them. I struggled to see what the teacher wrote on the board. And worse than that, a person could be standing in front of me and all I could make of is the color of their clothing but not their face. It was all a blur, and it was terrifying.
I recall accidentally breaking my frame and then searching for my glasses, which were in my hands, by the way, so I could examine the level of damage. Realization scared me. I've had to walk on the road holding a friend cause I could no longer make out my way. Visiting the eye clinic sometime towards the end of last year, when I had taken my mum to see my optician, the lady had, during conversation, told my mum that my eye ... was high, just like my mum's. I could go on and on.
You know, growing up, I fancied wearing glasses. I was more excited than worried that I suffered a defect of vision...if I had only known! These days, it's scary, it's worrisome, it's exhausting. I look at everyone who wears glasses, and I feel much pity for them.
It's the one thing that I want to change about me - my eyesight. I don't know how possible that is, considering, I recall that when I was very young, the first optician I had visited at the state's hospital had told my mum, to my hearing, that I would have to keep wearing my glasses. That they weren't for correction but as an aid. Shivers run down my spine whenever I think of the statement. If wishes were horses, I'd have a new pair of eyes, or I'd have better eyesight. But it is what it is.
Thanks for gracing this post.
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I'm really sorry about your sight. You'll be fine, okay?
I will be fine. Thank you
Anyone could feel the same way in your shoes, I hope things gets better with you..
Thank you for joining this week's prompt..Sorry about your sight @cheeamaka
I hope things get better with me, too.
Thanks for the concern. I appreciate it.