Failure is the Pillar of Success

in Hive Reachout6 days ago (edited)

"Failure is the pillar of success". I was engrossed in thoughts, reminiscing on the validity of this statement I came across online at the time. It kind of struck a chord within me I had to take it in and absorb. Along the line, I would end up reasoning things and asking questions like, "how's failure a pillar of success?", "are we supposed to fail?"...It was a moment of good and fresh thinking that day.

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Through moments of thoughts into the matter, some ideals came up. Those of which I find important for such a discourse. I found some lessons on the matter of success and the corresponding negative side, failure. At least, as many people perceive it. The realisation was one that provided a perspective to what is indeed failure or not.

The first statement suggests failure to be a compulsory path to tread on before reaching the land of success. I had my disapproval with the statement at that. Not only when I came to realise that it might not be a necessity but might be a needful resource on the journey to success. Many individuals and world-renowned personalities have proven to be a clear reflection of the fact that failure is a needful resource, proving even that at some times, it's a necessary one as well.

While thinking about such figures, Thomas Edison came to mind. A man who tried several times and failed in the bid to create the so much useful electricity we have today. His story was one of resilience and determination, built on the whims of a powerfully enforced force known as failure. If he hadn't embraced failure as a part of the success journey, I guess we would be still in a primitive world; maybe.

Another one struck me. The famous and talented "Mr. Bean" character well known today for his unique comedy style has his own story built on the strides of failure. After getting rejected due to his stuttering condition, he started his own unique acting style, pronouncing comedy through it and today the man is a success. Funny, huh! How someone who failed could become a success in that thing he failed.


The point is, failure shouldn't be seen as that inability to get a job done. Rather, it should be explored more in our minds as the platform to create greater possibilities. It shouldn't be that failure should make one give up dream. Basic perception about failure will lead one to do so. It should however be understood as the force that pushes one to do more to achieve more.

I could remember some years ago when I wrote my Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), or what we popular refer to as "JAMB" here. I had a good and decent score to get me into the University and course of my choice. Surprisingly, I didn't get the course, and worst of all I couldn't get the admission. Trust me it was a score that shouldn't deny me of my choice course, nor even admission in total. Well, our schools can shock you, haha!

It was a hard pill to swallow. Seeing I had it to be admitted but couldn't be. "I guess I'll do better", I thought. The next year I registered again and to the shock of many, I came out with a score better than the previous one. I could only praise God and laugh. In a funny sense I told my parent, "if I don't get admission this time again, then JAMB should be ready for a much better score". One that would suggest I get that admission. It was a funny pronouncement, nevertheless it meant more where it came from.


So, it shouldn't be heard that one failed at something and then failed the same way again. No, but even with the failure, let there be improvements recorded in it. That he or she failed but they did better than the last time. I think the focus should be on how close we're getting to that success not how we've failed to get to that success. Success is a journey, it requires patience, resilience, determination—allow me to add also, the ability to fail rightly.

Images are mine.

Thank you for reading through!

Failure is like a guide light to success because if you fail in something you will learn from it and not repeat it again thereby giving you an added experience and pushing you towards success. I also agree with you when you said "Success is a journey, it requires patience, resilience, determination—allow me to add also, the ability to fail rightly".

Yes, that's true sir. It's like that guide light indeed. If only we'll take note of our failures and use them as guide lights, we'll make more with our failures. Thank you for affirming to that point with me. I appreciate.

I can relate experientially with your post. The best of me comes out when I discover my flaws or weakness to work on it for mastery. So, I imagine how my life would have become without failure(a reason to learn or to press onward)!.

🤝Looking forward to see more of your inspiring contents.

Meet @ogbole30

Hmmm this is insightful sir. It's good to see you use the failures to become better.

You'll see more I assure you.
Thank you for coming around. I appreciate.

 5 days ago  

Is difficult to accept defeat but re-strategizing and facing those challenges again is what brings success.
Thank you for sharing this with us @daverick