My unforgettable childhood memories

in Hive Reachout4 months ago (edited)

Hello guys, welcome to my wonderful and awesome blog, my name is @edwincj and I am very happy and excited to be here with you all this great day. My name is @edwincj. This is the inleo initiative week 20, and I am very happy that we are all alive and feeling well this great week. This week has been very amazing and interesting from the beginning of it, or it is going to be interesting to the end.

This week we were given another great topic to talk about, and this topic has made remember ancient memories and interesting things that have happened to me and my family members in the past. The topic that was given to us is "BEST CHILDHOOD MEMORIES". I have many childhood stories and they have made a difference in my life, but there is this childhood memory of me and my brother, this memory have always been on my mind and I would love to share it with you guys.

The memory was the one that happened to me and my brother when we were going to primary school, it was a primary school called S.T Peter's primary school, the school was a great school and it has taught me a lot, but there was some specific memories that happen to me and most especially to my brother and I was able to see him experience it because I was like his care taker in the school. Most atimes, when we are given food that we are to eat in school, we end of bringing it back and if our mother asks us why we bring it we would say it is cold and we can't eat cold food, this pissed my mother till the extend that she say she will soon start bringing gas cooker to our school so that whenever it's break or launch time, she will warm the food for us.

This things happens mostly to my brother, sometimes I do eat mine, but my brother don't always eat his own, it reach to a level that my mom stopped cooking for us to take to school any longer, she would either give us money to buy something in the school, or she will tell us that when we get back from school, we will eat. I don't know how my brother survives everyday in school without eating his food, but as for me, whenever hunger deals with me, I will just eat mine even though it's cold.

Another thing that happens to my brother when we were younger and going to primary school was that he hated going to school, everyday he would find an excuse not to go to school, it's either his pencil is missing, or his uniform is not washed, or his cloth is thorn, he always finds excuse not to go to school, but they are all to no avail. These memories are one of my best childhood memories.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all enjoy this great week and I hope that you all will participate in this weeks activities, I hope to see your posts. Bye.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Some kids are like that. Eventually, they outgrow it. People like your brother go older and become very passionate about school. Now, you both can just tease each other about your habits back then. That's one of the beauties about memories.

Yh, you are right. Thanks for stopping by

Memories are for ever, we should cherish them

Yeah, very correct. Thanks for stopping by

You are welcome