The power of self -compassion

in Hive Reachout6 months ago

Self-compassion is powerful.

My father once told me that,
You can't give from an empty pot. You have to take care of yourself first before you take care of others.
According to Kristin Neff, Self-compassion is being kind to ourselves when we suffer, fail, or experience inadequacy.
I agree with the definition above.
If you Love yourself first, everything else will falls into line.

Self-Compassion is Powerful. It is awesome and beautiful tool that can transform your life, fostering well-being, and happiness.

Self-Compassion is very powerful and important because ,it
reduces stress and anxiety that brings and boosts self-esteem and confidence.

If you want Enhancement of emotional regulation
and personal growth then develop and 3 Self- compassion.
How can i Practice Self-Compassion?
You have to always do
Meditation and mindfulness exercises and also by
Practicing forgiveness and self-forgiveness.

Infact self compassion has a lot of
benefits for Mental Health such as
Reducing the symptoms of depression ,Worry and sorrow .
Always Speak kindly to yourself and
Practice self-care routines by frequent
Challenging negative self talk .
Don't draw conclusions on yourself yet.Practice self compassion and keep moving.You are the next on line for a great miracle.


You are completely in line @ekojah. One cannot not give we he or she does not have, we can only make others happy when we first become happy

Thank you for reading through

You are welcome my friend